Monday, January 27, 2014


We have blogged about model Marissa Miller's amazing pregnancy body in the past, which she credited to regular Pilates and healthy eating. Since giving birth to her first child Gavin in December 2012, the stunning retired Victoria Secret model has remained as fit and toned as ever. 

Marissa admitted just last week that her husband Griffin Guess actually preferred her pregnancy body to her body before Gavin's birth. As a result Miller has taken a more relaxed approach to her famous body and is looking better than ever (see the top photo). 

The blonde beauty reveals to People magazine; "My husband kept telling me that I looked better with the weight! I used to do a ton of cardio, but the last couple years I've focused on just doing Pilates and work on toning. It's really difficult to work out like I used with a baby, but I make the most of the time when I do. On a good week, that would be three or four days a week (doing Pilates' classes)."

The Sports Illustrated beauty started to really love and take care of her body when she found out she was pregnant in early 2012. 

"It was really important to me during pregnancy not to stress about weight gain. I ate healthy and worked out, so whatever my body wanted to put on was what the baby needed."

We, like Marissa's admiring hubby, think that her new Pilates body looks amazing! Want to tone up post pregnancy? Or do you feel that your current exercise regime is not working for you? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at

x Emily 

images from Victoria Secret, Women's Health & Examiner. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


At just 23 years of age Taylor Swift has been doing very well for herself. She has talent, monetary success, beauty and a very toned & envious body. Despite being in her early twenties the famous singer and songwriter works hard for her fit figure with various forms of tough exercise. Miss Swift was spotted just last Friday leaving a Pilates class in LA, wearing a super cute unicorn jumper. How this girl manages to look stylish after doing such an intense workout we will never know (as we never look like that after class!)

So what else does Taylor do to stay fit and healthy besides busting her butt with regular Pilates? At 5 feet 11 inches Taylor loves taking her pins for a run and tries to do one hour of running as often as she can. Taylor does not lift weights or do any specific muscular exercises besides Pilates, as she focuses more on endurance to keep her fit on stage during her high energy performances. 

Miss Swift is a southern American girl and loves to eat and cook, therefore she works out often so she can enjoy her food and not deprive herself. Taylor stays away from sugary drinks and the only liquid she drinks copiously is water. She also eats very healthily on the weekdays as she spends most of her time recording and needs to be constantly energetic. Taylor eats lots of salads during the week and yoghurt for a sugary treat. 

Want to tone up and feel slender and lean like Taylor? Interested in becoming motivated to live as healthily as you can with regular exercise and nourishing food? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at

x Emily 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Download the 365 Happy Days free app ASAP! You will receive a collection of happy and positive thoughts & activities, one for each day of the year. Happiness was never so easy!

If you are going to drink wine (in moderation!), go red all the way. Research shows that people pour 9% more white wine into a glass than they do red wine because theres' less of a colour contrast between the white liquid and the glass. 

Recent studies have revealed that having acupuncture is just as affective as counselling for relieving depression. After three months, one in three participants who received regular acupuncture and no pharmacological treatments were no longer depressed. Get some needlework done if you are feeling a little overwhelmed. 

Get your exercise in before breakfast to burn an additional 20% of unwanted fat! Researchers in the UK who made this observation believe this is due to the body utilising the already present body fat for energy, instead of using your breakfast for fuel. 

Girls, get some peanut butter on your plate today. US Experts reveal that girls who eat peanut butter or nuts twice a week between the ages of 9 to 15 years are 39% less likely to develop benign breast disease by age 30. Peanut butter and nuts are also good for those of us older than 15 as well! 

x Emily 

Facts provided by Good Health Magazine, January 2014. Pictures by, cook,