Thursday, October 27, 2011


I enjoy baking more than I enjoy cooking. For some reason, baking is extremely therapeutic and calms down my neurotic behaviour. Sadly I hardly ever let myself bake.....because I know that three-quarters of whatever I bake will end up being eaten by me. Its one of the few downsides of living with people who aren't sweet tooth's. And lets face it, it is very difficult to find a cake, muffin or crumble recipe that 1. is low in fat and 2. actually tastes edible.

As I have the whole day off on fridays, I look forward to this day every week like I looked forward to Christmas when I was five years of age. On fridays I allow myself to bake. The only requirement is that the recipe must come from one of my countless low fat/healthy cookbooks. Today I decided to bake 'Very Berry Muffins'.


  • 250g plain flour
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 200ml skim or trim milk
  • 50ml vegetable oil
  • 200g mixed berries, roughly chopped
    • I used Nanna's mixed berries (available at Coles & Woolworths)- only $9 for a 1 kg bag. Thaw 200g first and then chop. 

1. Mix together all the ingredients, except the berries, to make a smooth dough. Fold in the berries. (Folding is exactly as it sounds. Use a rubber spatula to gently fold the berries into the dough. Make sure that you do not stir, as this will turn the muffins a purple colour. The link below describes this technique much better than I am able to. You only need to watch the first 40 seconds of the clip.  

2. Spray cooking spray in a 12 section muffin tin and spoon the mixture into the cases. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Makes / 12 muffins 
Preparation time / 15 minutes 
Cooking time / 25 minutes 

x E 

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