Saturday, December 3, 2011


I wrote a post not long ago about my discovery of udon noodles. Below is another easy to prepare recipe using these noodles. You may notice that I used all parts of the broccoli in the recipe, including the stalks. Broccoli stalks contain the same amount of fiber and vitamins that broccoli florets do and in my opinion contain more flavour. Give the stalks a try next time you cook this vegetable.  


  • 400-440g udon noodles
  • 300g chicken breast, cut into 3cm pieces
  • 1 head broccoli,  florets and stalks roughly chopped
  • 3 green onions, roughly chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed 
  • 2 teaspoons peanut oil
  • 4 tablespoons hoisin sauce 
  • 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce 


1. Place noodles in a large heatproof bowl. Bring a kettle of water to the boil and pour water over noodles. Use a fork to break noodles apart until they are all separated. Drain.

2. Place chicken pieces, 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce and white wine vinegar in a medium bowl. Toss well to combine. 

3. Heat oil in a wok over medium-high heat. Place green onion, broccoli and garlic in the wok and stir fry for around 5 minutes or until broccoli is becoming tender. Add chicken and stir-fry for a few minutes or until chicken is just cooked through. Add drained noodles, 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce and soy sauce to the wok and toss well to combine. 

x E


  1. Hi darling, your lasagna looks lovely - even better than mine with all the vegetables.



  2. Why what high praise! Try yours with lentils next time. x
