Thursday, December 29, 2011


Three days before New Years 2011 I spend a crazy day running around, getting myself ready for my departure. It was around 7pm when I realized I had not yet thought of what I would make me, my boyfriend, my sister and her boyfriend for dinner. Now, I cannot stress how much of a strange occurrence this is for me as I usually think about what I am going to make for Thursday night dinner on Sunday night (I wish I was kidding). As I pondered over what to cook, I rummaged through my freezer and located a sealed package of beef strips. On a whim I decided to create my own recipe of Teriyaki Beef by mixing together different types of  Asian sauces and vinegars that were in my fridge. The meal turned out to be delicious and moreish. I love that my kitchen is there for me to CREATE and not follow rules or constraints of any kind.


  • 500g beef strips
  • 1 tablespoon peanut oil
  • 50ml salt-reduced soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons mirin (this is a rice wine similar to Sake, and is available in the Asian isle of major supermarkets). 
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce
  • 80g brown onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cups of doongara rice 
  • 4 tablespoons rice wine vinegar 


1. Combine beef, oil, soy sauce, mirin, garlic and teriyaki sauce in a medium bowl. Marinate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. 

2. Meanwhile, bring 2 cups of rice and 4 cups of water to the boil in a large saucepan (with a lid). Reduce heat and simmer until rice is absorbed. Using a fork, fluff the rice and add the rice wine vinegar, stirring well to combine. Place saucepan aside with the rice; make sure the lid is on top to keep the rice warm. 

3. Heat a medium to large frying pan on medium heat. Add marinaded beef and cook, stirring well, until beef has browned and no red flesh remains.

4. Serve beef on top of a bed of rice. 

 x E

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