Saturday, May 26, 2012


This potato side was a dish I quickly whipped up for my boyfriend last Tuesday night. As he works every night and most of the day, when he graces our entryway at 8:30pm he is starving. I usually cook in the afternoons and have leftovers, however I had eaten a little too much of our (my) dinner and therefore had nothing for Chris. I quickly concocted up this mustard potato salad using the best mustard ever- Dijon- I dare you to disagree. Whilst it definitely was not my finest work, Chris seemed to love it. Gluten & dairy-free too, of course.


  • 300g basic small potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of gluten-free dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh parsley
  • a pinch of sea salt & black pepper


1. Place peeled & cut potatoes into a medium saucepan of water. Bring to the boil and cook for around 10-12 minutes or until potato pieces are tender (that is, the blade of a fork can easily slide through the potato). Remove from heat and drain with cold water, cooling. Place cooked potatoes into a medium serving bowl. 

2. Add mustard and parsley to the potatoes and toss well to combine. Season with salt & pepper. 

Serves / 2 as a side
Total Preparation time / 10 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 20 minutes 

x E

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