Sunday, July 15, 2012


When we get to the late afternoon of a long day, most of us are lacking in energy. We find that this is the dangerous time of day for us, as we reach for junk food or ample amounts of coffee with sugar. Let’s discuss four foods that can give you a much greater energy boost than caffeine or sugary foods (and also happen to be a million times better for you!). 

Legumes - such as chickpeas, red kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, butter beans, green peas, broad beans, snow peas, green beans and lentils. These small beans and peas are packed with nutrition, including protein, vitamins, minerals and calcium. Legumes provide you with lots of energy, prevent food cravings, and protect your body against cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you are short on time, you can purchase beas or peas in a tin or frozen and cook them in a matter of minutes. A nutritionist recently told me that for someone weighing 50-60-70-80 kilos, they should be eating 50-60-70-80 grams of protein a day, as a minimum. Consuming legumes in your main meals twice a day will help you to reach this number.

Green leafy vegetables- Your mother and grandma knew what they were talking about when they forced you to eat up all your green vegetables at the dinner table! Green leafy vegetables are ideal for weight management as they are very low in calories and are a major source of iron and therefore energy. They are also probably the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food! and are almost completely carb-free! Nutritionists recommend that we should be eating 3 cups of green leafy vegetables per week, as a minimum. Green leafy vegetables include foods such as spinach, kale, boy choy, broccoli and different types of green lettuce.

Quinoa- There is a whooping 14grams of protein found in every 100g of quinoa, which will greatly help you to get to the percentage of daily protein you should be having. Quinoa is one carbohydrate that is good to have in spades, as it keeps blood-sugar and energy levels constant. Quinoa also has a low glycymic index which means that it leaves you feeling fuller for longer and helps curb cravings. Quinoa is a healthier substitute for rice, noodles or pasta.

Maca- The Superfood
Maca (also know as Peruvian ginseng) is a root vegetable grown in the Mountains in Peru that has been getting a lot of good press lately. Maca powder contains phytochemicals, which contribute to why people who consume this powder have increased energy levels and even feel happier. Maca powder has other benefits, such as improving physical endurance, contributing to overall well-being and the regulating of hormones. Try mixing 1 - 2 tablespoons of maca powder into smoothies, yoghurt, cereal, oatmeal, muesli, fruit juice, or bake into cakes or cookies. 

Recipe- Banana Cinnamon Maca Shake 
In a blender, add 1 tablespoon Maca powder and 1 cup almond milk (or other milk/milk substitute) with 1 ripe sliced banana and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Blend until smooth and serve cold. 

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