Saturday, July 21, 2012


It all began in Bali.

On the flight home to Brisbane from Bali, to be exact.
I was flipping through Vogue and out of the blue was hit with an intense desire to start a blog, a passionate need for people to view my writing. I had no idea what form I wanted the blog to take, but I knew that I just had to start one on my arrival home. I woke up my sleeping boyfriend, Chris, to tell him what I had decided to take on. He just smiled and said ‘great’, as he has learnt to do with all of my wacky, spontaneous ideas. But this particular aspiration stuck.
The blog has taken on a few forms over the past 10 months. Initially, it started as a fashion / lifestyle / cooking / motivation quotes blog with a best friend of mine, then changed to a purely cooking blog, then to a purely gluten-free, wheat-free & dairy-free blog. Currently the blog is taking a more holistic approach to healthy living and will focus on healthy & natural cooking, as well as fitness / exercise, nutrition and accounts from my life under the category ‘my story’, for when I feel truly indulgent. Healthy living and eating has become a vital part of my life in the past year, and the path that this passion takes changes daily. One day I will rave about my fondness of and nutritional properties of black beans, the next day I will explore the ancient grain / seed quinoa, the next 3 days I will lock myself in my kitchen cooking curries. The vast, imaginative and colourful world of food beckons me daily and I enjoy the ride with every fibre of my being. I welcome you to come along for the journey.

A blogger. A writer. A learner. A dreamer. And most importantly, a cook. 

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