Friday, August 10, 2012


Who says that all French toast has to be fatty and butchered with copious amounts of ice-cream, maple syrup and chocolate? French toast can be healthy, as my mother taught me growing up. She used to make French toast for me on occasion, whenever I requested it in the morning (such a spoilt little girl I know!). I believe she had learnt how to make said dish from my Babushka (Nanna), who used to own a little restaurant in Melbourne’s Chapel Street. Babushka’s and dedushka’s (grandfather) restaurant served beautiful Russian food and filling breakfasts; such as french toast and eggs. I have adjusted the recipe somewhat to omit milk and the extra sugar, however you can add milk in the place of water. Adding cinnamon is a must, use this spice instead of adding any sugar.


  • 6 strawberries, cut into halves
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 pieces of multigrain, wholemeal or gluten-free bread 
  • 1 egg, beaten well 
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • coconut oil


1. Place cut strawberries, vanilla essence and lemon juice in a small bowl. Toss well to combine and leave for 30 minutes. 

2. Meanwhile, combine the beaten egg and cinnamon. Soak bread pieces in the egg mixture. Heat a medium frying pan over medium heat and add 1 tablespoon oil. When oil has melted add bread and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side or until egg is cooked and bread is golden in colour. Remove from heat and top with vanilla berries. 

Serves /
Total Preparation time / 38 minutes (including 30 minutes to marinade the berries)
Total Cooking time / 10 minutes maximum

x E

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