Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Why do I love Pilates? Let me count the ways. 

1. There is no monotony to Pilates

Think about it; how many times have you started a new sport or exercise routine, loved it to bits, and then 2-3 months down the track absolutely loathed and detested it? Several occasions spring to my mind. I have been doing Pilates since I was 12 years old (I am now 24 so you do the math) and still find myself entertained and motivated by this exercise routine. So much so that I do Pilates 5 x a week. I find that there are always new exercises that I can practice, better technique that I can achieve and more resistance that I can challenge myself with. 

2. So long back pain

I took up Pilates many moons ago due to debilitating lower back pain. Once I mastered the basic technique and principles, my lower back pain improved dramatically and I was able to engage in daily activities and sport without pain, which is really all that a 12 year old wants from life. Over the years, when my lower back starts to niggle or a small amount of pain returns, regular Pilates has constantly improved it. Of course, Pilates rehabilitation is not just limited to lower back pain. Clients with knee, shoulder, neck, mid-back and elbow injuries have noticed a reduction in their pain and an increase in their range of movement due to the consistent practice of Pilates. 

3. Goodbye Stress. 

I can only speak for myself here, but life gets hard sometimes. The world today moves so fast and so unapologetically that it can be very difficult to take a step back and gain perspective. Stress and anxiety can often build up due to this. Pilates involves the co-orindation and control of the body, mind and spirit and therefore requires 100 % concentration. During each Pilates session I find that myself and my clients escape from their personal problems for 1 hour and surrender to the practice. They leave feeling rejuvenated, energised and ready to face the world. 

4. The best shape for your body. 

I tried countless exercise regimes and routines before starting reformer Pilates 5 x a week. During my teenage years I ran, swam, played volleyball, water polo and rowing. After high school I got into weights and personal training. Until I discovered reformer Pilates nothing toned my body the way I wanted it to. I was working out 7 days a week and actually gaining weight from the bulky muscle I was building. Suffice to say that I was not a happy woman at this time. I would take a gamble that almost every girl/woman has felt this way at some point in their lives, as well as many boys and men. Pilates has changed my body shape and toned myself in areas that no amount of weights or running can. The amazing thing about Pilates is that it has the potential to reshape every single person's body, as long as correct technique is practised. 

5. The Other Benefits. 

Besides reshaping, toning and sculpting your body, Pilates offers countless other health benefits, including but not limited to improved flexibility & balance, stronger core and pelvic floor, enhancing  performance in sport, assistance with pregnancy and post natal women, injury rehabilitation, energising and rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, improved mental health, greater awareness of posture, increased muscle strength and the development of long and lean muscles. Can you think of another sport or exercise regime that does all this? 

Try Pilates today! Call 0402 680 724 or email inquiries@premiumpilatesstudio.com to book in at Premium Pilates Studio and start loving Pilates like we do. 

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