Sunday, September 30, 2012


My cherished friend invited me over a few days ago for fruit salad and red & white swirled cupcakes (how lucky am I?). Whilst she was preparing our sugary lunch, I perused her baking books and one in particular caught my eye. Marian Keys’ (the fiction writer) ‘Saved by Cake’ stood out, perhaps because it had a hilarious cover picture and we all do sometimes judge a book by its cover, no matter how much we refuse to admit it. Opening it up I was transported to a world of thrilling wit and mouthwatering cakes, tarts, muffins, cookies, flans, pies and much more. My friend steered me to one of the more uncomplicated recipes that she had tried out; breakfast bars. Changing the ingredients slightly to make it more friendly for my kitchen, i.e. using reduced-fat condensed milk, figs, pineapple and almonds instead of full fat, apricots, ginger and hazelnuts, these breakfast bars were super simple to make & bake. Crumble one of these bars with fruit salad and no fat Greek yoghurt drizzled with honey for breakfast and you have your morning meal for 2 weeks.

Tip: You can replace the condensed milk with honey if desired.


  • 200ml 99% reduced fat condensed milk
  • 160g porridge oats
  • 100g dried figs, roughly chopped
  • 60g crystalised pineapple pieces 
  • 60g silvered almonds
  • 60g pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
  • 40g sunflower seeds
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • coconut oil


1. Preheat a fan-forced oven to 130 degrees celsius. Lightly grease a small square baking tin with coconut oil (I used a 20cm square tin). 

2. Gradually heat the condensed milk in a small saucepan, keeping the heat low. Meanwhile, combine the oats, figs, pineapple, almonds and seeds in a large bowl, stirring well. When the milk is heated, pour into the oat bowl and stir well to combine (the mixture should be quite sticky and no longer dry. If it is not at this stage after stirring, add a pinch more condensed milk and stir again). Add the cocoa powder and stir well again. 

3. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and make sure that the mixture is level and even. Flatten down the mixture with the back of a tablespoon dipped in water. Place in the oven and bake for 1 hour or until bars are set. Cool bars after removing from the oven, remove from the baking tin and cut into your desired shapes. 

Makes / 12 - 14 
Total Preparation time / 10 minutes
Total Cooking time / 1 hr 10 minutes (70 minutes)

x E

Saturday, September 29, 2012


In spirit of the long weekend and a lazy Sunday and Monday morning (if you are fortunate enough to have it off work) here is a humble, dairy-free & gluten-free omelette for you. Very simple to make and perfect to soak up that hangover after watching the AFL, NRL or whatever your cup of tea. I absolutely love gooey omelettes, but if you do not share this love, just cook the egg for a little longer.


  • 4 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 large tomato, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons water 
  • 1-2 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped


1. Place the eggs, tomato, water and parsley in a jug or large bowl and whisk to combine. Season with a pinch of sea salt, if you desire. Heat a medium to large frying pan over medium heat, adding 1 teaspoon oil of your choice (I used coconut oil). Pour egg mixture into the pan, spreading the egg to make a round circle. Cook for 2-3 minutes and then flip half of the omelette over on top of the other half. Cook for another 2 minutes. If you prefer your omelette firm and not runny, cook for a few extra minutes and flip over again. 

Serve warm for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

Serves / 1-2 
Total Preparation time / 5 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 4-5 minutes for a runny omelette, longer for a firm omelette. 

x E

Thursday, September 27, 2012


As the crazy AFL & NRL finals creep closer, many of us good old Australian’s reach for a beer, wine or whatever your poison. Some of us reach for a few too many and forget who even played. It’s just the Australian way. Not one of my good friends. She has decided (voluntarily) to go sober for the months of September & October to support Life Education, an organisation that mentors and educates youth on how to lead a healthier life. Amazing commitment for a 24 year old, who has a bunch of near alcoholic friends. So this refreshing drink post is for you dear Clare and anyone else that is taking an abstinence from alcohol.
If you are interested in what Clare is doing, head to and support her in her Ocsober campaign for the kids! 


  • 1 small pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into rough pieces
  • 1/2 cup lime juice
  • 1 litre diet ginger ale/ beer


1. Place the pineapple pieces in a blender with the lime juice. Blend until smooth. Pour pineapple juice into a large jug and add ginger ale / beer. Strain liquid through a mesh strainer to remove pineapple pulp. Serve with lots of ice. 

Serves / 4- 6
Total Preparation time / 5 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 5 minutes 

x E

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Why do I love Pilates? Let me count the ways. 

1. There is no monotony to Pilates

Think about it; how many times have you started a new sport or exercise routine, loved it to bits, and then 2-3 months down the track absolutely loathed and detested it? Several occasions spring to my mind. I have been doing Pilates since I was 12 years old (I am now 24 so you do the math) and still find myself entertained and motivated by this exercise routine. So much so that I do Pilates 5 x a week. I find that there are always new exercises that I can practice, better technique that I can achieve and more resistance that I can challenge myself with. 

2. So long back pain

I took up Pilates many moons ago due to debilitating lower back pain. Once I mastered the basic technique and principles, my lower back pain improved dramatically and I was able to engage in daily activities and sport without pain, which is really all that a 12 year old wants from life. Over the years, when my lower back starts to niggle or a small amount of pain returns, regular Pilates has constantly improved it. Of course, Pilates rehabilitation is not just limited to lower back pain. Clients with knee, shoulder, neck, mid-back and elbow injuries have noticed a reduction in their pain and an increase in their range of movement due to the consistent practice of Pilates. 

3. Goodbye Stress. 

I can only speak for myself here, but life gets hard sometimes. The world today moves so fast and so unapologetically that it can be very difficult to take a step back and gain perspective. Stress and anxiety can often build up due to this. Pilates involves the co-orindation and control of the body, mind and spirit and therefore requires 100 % concentration. During each Pilates session I find that myself and my clients escape from their personal problems for 1 hour and surrender to the practice. They leave feeling rejuvenated, energised and ready to face the world. 

4. The best shape for your body. 

I tried countless exercise regimes and routines before starting reformer Pilates 5 x a week. During my teenage years I ran, swam, played volleyball, water polo and rowing. After high school I got into weights and personal training. Until I discovered reformer Pilates nothing toned my body the way I wanted it to. I was working out 7 days a week and actually gaining weight from the bulky muscle I was building. Suffice to say that I was not a happy woman at this time. I would take a gamble that almost every girl/woman has felt this way at some point in their lives, as well as many boys and men. Pilates has changed my body shape and toned myself in areas that no amount of weights or running can. The amazing thing about Pilates is that it has the potential to reshape every single person's body, as long as correct technique is practised. 

5. The Other Benefits. 

Besides reshaping, toning and sculpting your body, Pilates offers countless other health benefits, including but not limited to improved flexibility & balance, stronger core and pelvic floor, enhancing  performance in sport, assistance with pregnancy and post natal women, injury rehabilitation, energising and rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, improved mental health, greater awareness of posture, increased muscle strength and the development of long and lean muscles. Can you think of another sport or exercise regime that does all this? 

Try Pilates today! Call 0402 680 724 or email to book in at Premium Pilates Studio and start loving Pilates like we do. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


 I feel that it’s high time for a sweet recipe. And what could be better than allergy-free rocky road, which does not even require an oven. This recipe is extremely easy to make and very versatile. For example, you can substitute or add other nuts to the recipe, such as pistachios, pecans or walnuts. You could use other fruit, such as crystallised dried ginger, cranberries or apricots. If you have no gluten & dairy-free requirements, make the recipe with milk and/or white chocolate, but do be prepared for the added calories! A helpful hint - the easier way to melt chocolate evenly and not burn it is to place a small saucepan half filled with water on high heat with a small fry pan on top (not touching the water). Place the chocolate in pieces in the fry pan and gradually stir as the chocolate melts due to the heat of the boiling water below.

  • 60g gluten-free & dairy-free marshmallows, roughly chopped (available at Coles in the health food aisle)
  • 1/4 cup heaped slivered almonds
  • 375-400g dark chocolate, melted (at least 70% cocoa and can be cooking chocolate)
  • 1/2 cup halved glace cherries
  • 1/2 cup shredded unsweetened desiccated coconut
  • 1/4 cup dried & crystallised pineapple pieces
  • coconut oil, to grease


1. Lightly grease a baking slice pan with coconut oil, making sure to grease the sides well. Place the almonds, marshmallows, cherries, coconut and pineapple pieces in a large bowl. Stir in the melted chocolate well. Spoon the mixture into the prepared pan and place in the refrigerator to set for at least one hour. When set, cut into evenly sized squares using a sharp knife. 

Serves / 10-12
Total Preparation time / 12 minutes (including melting the chocolate)
Total Cooking time / 1 hour / 60 minutes to set 

x E