Saturday, September 22, 2012


It's finally time to stop fearing carbohydrates and start eating them. Low GI carbohydrates, that is. GI or Glycaemic Index is the measurement of glucose (blood sugar) level increase from carbohydrate absorption. Certain foods trigger an increase in blood sugar, which the body responds to with a large spike of insulin. These foods are the 'bad' or high GI carbs, as high glucose/insulin levels in the body are damaging to various blood vessels and arteries, and can therefore increase the chance of developing serious illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The low GI carbs are very beneficial to our bodies, as they release a steady stream of blood sugar in the body and produce lower levels of insulin. Basically, these low GI carbs leave you feeling fuller for longer, provide you with a boost of energy, reduce the chance of developing life-threatening illnesses, improve your concentration and can assist in weight loss. 

Want these health & weight benefits? All you have to do is consume low GI foods. Below is a detailed list of low GI carbs:

  • Most non starchy vegetables (green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cooked carrots, cucumber, capsicum, cabbage, peas etc)
  • Low-fat yoghurt, with or without sugar 
  • Lentils & beans
  • Several fruits (including cherries, plums, grapefruit, peaches, apples, pears, grapes, oranges)
  • Bulgur
  • Long-grain rice
  • Fat-free milk & soy milk
  • Whole wheat spaghetti
  • Chickpeas
  • Pineapple & grapefruit juice
  • Whole grain breads
  • Untoasted museli & porridge 
  • Peanuts Untoasted
  • Tomato soup
And some High GI carbs to try to avoid:
  • Bagels
  • Corn chips
  • White bread & french bread
  • Jelly beans
  • Doughnuts
  • Vanilla wafers
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Pretzels
  • Instant rice 
  • Puffed wheat 
Benefits of a low GI diet

The instantaneous benefit of such a diet is improved concentration and a boost in energy. This is due to the steady supply of blood sugar/glucose that the body receives when you consume low GI foods. In addition, a high GI diet is linked with acne and oily skin. Research has shown that switching to a low GI diet can reduce acne by 50% in 12 weeks. 

Another benefit of consuming low GI carbs is the reduced risk of contracting bowel & breast cancer. This is due to the decrease of circulating insulin in the blood. A low GI diet also reduces the risk of heart disease in two different ways. Firstly, a low GI diet elevates the levels of good cholesterol in the body while decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol. Secondly, consumption of low GI food decreases the inflammation of blood vessels. 

Avoid Diabetes

A super scary statistic- an estimated 3.5 million Australians have diabetes or pre-diabetes. That is 1 in 4 adults over 25 years of age. Half of the 3.5 million have no idea that they have diabetes. A low GI diet can greatly help to decrease the risk of developing this disease by keeping your weight under control and within a healthy range. Choosing a diet of low GI carbs and lean protein will keep you feeling full for longer, therefore making it easier to eat less and lose weight, if need be. 

How to change your eating habits NOW

Making the switch to a low GI diet may mean completely restocking your pantry and developing totally new eating habits. Purchase wholegrain bread, untoasted muesli and old-fashioned porridge, and say farewell to white bread. Consume low GI rice (no instant rice) and gluten-free pasta. Branch out by cooking with lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans and reduce your consumption of potatoes and other starchy vegetables. Decrease your intake of cookies, crackers, cakes and other baked goods. Add a dash of lemon or vinegar to your cooking whenever possible, as these acids can slow down the breakdown of carbs to blood sugar. 

x E

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