Monday, September 3, 2012


I have felt so out of whack not cooking every day recently. Unfortunately, when you are simultaneously opening up a new business, renovating a studio and looking for a new house, cooking no longer takes priority. I feel like one of my limbs has been missing for the past few weeks, as life hasn’t felt exactly right without a messy kitchen or a jumble of unreadable recipe notes by my bedside table. Its just a sacrifice that one has to make to go for his/her dreams I suppose. As the saying goes ‘when one part of your life starts to go beautifully, another part falls apart’. Or something like that. This week I have promised will be different however. I successfully cooked Sunday and Monday night without too much drama or too much guilt about not doing my work. Just for a little sneak peak, so readers can see what I have been spending all my time doing, I have added a few photos of my & Chris’s lovely Pilates studio below. We are still in the renovating stage but are heading towards the finish line and could not be more excited! 

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