Saturday, October 27, 2012


A lilac wonderland takes over Brisbane during the months of September and October every year. Sometimes the locals wait in eager anticipation until early October for these majestic flowers to bloom, sometimes they wake up one September morning and the street is covered in a lavender blanket. You can never countdown to the exact date of when these purple blossoms will appear. It is almost as if their very existence is supremely magical.

I walk my puppy everyday and am overwhelmed by the beauty of the Jacarandas that I see on every street. I finally had the sense of mind to take my iphone with me when going on one of these walks early Saturday morning. It was 6am, the world was quiet and the lilac petals were scattered everywhere. They covered the roads, the footpaths, even lucky cars.  The unseasonal wind blew the blossoms all around and I reached out to touch them as I strolled along. I felt at peace with my mind, body and spirit alongside nature’s exquisite gift. Get outside and experience your gift before this purple wonderland fades away.

x E

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