Sunday, October 14, 2012


I like to do things on impulse. I always have. Whenever something feels right in my gut, I just do it. This often landed me in quite a bit of trouble growing up, as my parents didn’t love the fact that I used to eat all the strawberries off my birthday cakes or that I cut and shorn my two-year old sister’s beautiful golden locks on a whim. But recently I have realised that following my heart, my gut and my instincts pays off in the most amazing and fulfilling ways. When I dreamed about owning a Pilates studio with my boyfriend Chris, we did so, and quite quickly. When I wanted to own a little puppy dog, I bought one. And when my heart cried out for a second puppy last Saturday, I bought another. See the thing is that I do not tell the people in my life my impulsive plans, I just do them. So when my friends hear that I bought yet another puppy or that I have already started renovating a Pilates studio, naturally they are a little shocked and surprised. But that’s just me. I dance to the beat of my own drum, I strum to the tune of my own guitar and I trust my instincts completely. And I couldn’t love my life more.

And the point of all this rambling is to introduce you to Bear, a beautiful Moodle cross Shitzu that is the newest addition to my family. 

x E

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