Friday, October 19, 2012


Gossip Girl and comedy actress Kristen Bell is in amazing physical shape, thanks to a healthy diet and a super active lifestyle that includes Pilates, hiking, running and strength-training. The 32 year old actress has stuck to a news years resolution she made five years ago, to always take the stairs wherever she is! Kristen says that these little bits of exercise have made a big difference, as they have made her stronger and more energetic. "A few years ago, I could barely hike up half the mountain without passing out and having to turn back," she says. "With just a little consistent practice, I can now walk at a swift pace to get my heart rate up and still enjoy a beautiful long hike in the mountains". Kristen's super toned abs in the pictures above are care of tough Pilates workouts that she loves. 

Kristen has recently evolved her vegetarian diet to vegan, and has not eaten meat since she was 11 years old. Kristen is an avid animal-rights activist and grows her own vegetables in her very own garden. Bell tries to stay away from processed foods whenever she can and buys the grainiest bread she can find. Refreshingly, Kristen informs that she does not count calories, as she finds it very comforting and becomes very conscious about what she is eating. "On Super Bowl Sunday, I thought, surrender to it. It's nacho time. And I ate nothing but Doritos all day". 

Kristen believes that keeping herself fit and healthy has had a very positive impact on all aspects of her life."I would pass on to the next generation the importance of taking care of your body both inside and out," she says. "It's all about being respectful to yourself because long-term you will feel and see the difference, and everyone else will see it too". It's so nice to hear a celebrity talk so honestly and deeply about health! 

x E

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