Wednesday, November 7, 2012


2012 US Open winner and Olympic Gold medalist Andy Murray has had a grand slam of a year! The British tennis player defeated Novak Djokovic at the US Open in September this year before taking on Roger Federer at the Olympics to win the gold medal in the men's singles (and a silver in the men's doubles). These wins made Murray the first British champion to win the Olympic Gold in 100 years and the only man EVER to win the US Open and the Olympic Gold back-to-back. Not bad at all for a 25 year old! 

After all these accomplishments, Andy Murray certainly has a lot to smile about. It is no secret to tennis fans that Murray has not always been the most happy-go-lucky athlete. Dubbed by a former coach as 'the most negative person I've ever met', Murray's on-court meltdowns and sour post-match interviews did not help him shake off this reputation. However, Murray has recently made tabloids for his smiling face and vast improvement in demeanour. Many may say that this is due to his tennis achievements, however Andy has a different theory. In several interviews this past week, Murray credits regular Pilates classes with making him happier, less moody and overall a better person! Andy's close friends and family agree, saying that he is now a 'delightful, sensitive, happy and funny young man' who is finally enjoying himself.

Murray discovered Pilates after the end of his intense tennis season a few months ago. Andy reveals that he had to pull out of the recent tennis competition in Basle because of a continuing back problem. Murray turned to Pilates in an effort to stay fit and for rehabilitation of his back, which he is hoping will assist him with the last two tennis tournaments in 2012. Andy spoke openly about his new exercise regime at the Paris Masters earlier this week. "Right now I feel good. I've practised well the last few days and not been waking up with soreness or stiffness. I started doing Pilates a few weeks ago, which I think has already helped. I did three or four Pilates sessions and my body feels good compared to the last few years when I've come here. So hopefully I'll be good to go for the next two weeks."

Murray has been a regular at a Pilates' studio in Oxshott, Surrey for the last few months. He has been attending classes with his girlfriend Kim Sears, who has been coming along for moral support (see middle photo). Incidentally, Sears' body is looking super fit and toned as well! 

The founder of Pilates, German born Joseph Pilates, created this exercise regime around the concept that physical and mental health were interlinked with one another. Murray has certainly unearthed the mental benefits of Pilates; "I feel like when my mind isn't free of anything that might be frustrating me away from the court, I can't focus as well as I need to. 'When my mind's clear, I can go on the court and play, not worry about anything else, I can play much better and think a lot better on the court." 

Regular practice of Pilates results in numerous benefits, such as building strength, endurance and flexibility as well as improving posture, reducing stress and creating long, lean and toned muscles. 

Want a better outlook on life like Andy Murray? Try Pilates today! Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at 

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