Sunday, December 2, 2012


Home-grown actress & singing sensation Kylie Minogue recently spoke out about how she keeps her petite frame and toned bottom looking so fabulous. At the age of 44 frequent Pilates and a healthy diet assist Kylie in maintaining her famously fit physique. 

Kylie mentions that she occasionally hits the gym, however she finds it hard to stay disciplined. Ms Minogue prefers to engage in fitness activities that keep her interested and moving, which is why Pilates is such a great exercise regime for her. 

"I do Pilates. And when I'm staying in a hotel I sometimes go to the gym. But I don't overdo it," Kylie confessed to British magazine Star. "I wish I was one of those women who do their exercises first thing in the morning, or run straight to the fitness studio as soon as they get up. But unfortunately I'm just not that disciplined!" It's nice to know that some celebrities can be unmotivated like us!

Kylie also attributes her slender physique to regular workouts on the Power-Plate exercise machine, which is another form of Pilates. "My friends raved to me about Power-Plate and now I know why. It's a great invention and a convenient, time-efficient workout," says the pop princess."  

Kylie is the first to admit that she follows a strict healthy eating plan. Ms Minogue fills up with lots of fish and green vegetables. "For lunch I might have grilled fish with veggies, and if AndrĂ©s [Velencoso, her partner] is in tow, we tend to go a bit Spanish for dinner - and have something like a piece of tuna on a green salad," Kylie finished. The petite singer likes to stick to a low carb, high protein diet and rarely consumes sugar. Kylie swears by eating carbs with a low GI (glycemic index) such as fruits, vegetables and whole wheat bread. 

Want to trim & lift your behind like Kylie? Interested in increasing your muscle strength and tone as well as improving your posture and flexibility? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at

x E 

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