Sunday, December 9, 2012


Sometimes the simplest things in life are the best. Such as this humble, 4-5 ingredient green salad. Combine these basic vegetables and a simple grated cheese together for a crisp, fresh side dish. Bliss alongside a piece or chicken or roasted kipfler potatoes on a night in. Sheep’s pecorino cheese is my new discovery. I came across this sharp salty cheese when I was hunting for dairy-free haloumi (brace yourself people, as this unfortunately does not exist, at least not anywhere around Brisbane).  Pecorino is the name of a family of hard, briny Italian cheeses (the word pecora literally translates as ‘sheep’). A very aromatic but pleasantly salty cheese that is great for anyone that cannot tolerate cow’s milk. This cheese is usually not cheap, however as the taste is quite sharp all you really need is a fine dusting over salads, pizza and pasta. Pecorino cheese has eliminated my need for Parmesan cheese. Hallelujah for sheep!            


  • a generous handful of rocket, washed & drained
  • 15 - 20g sheep's pecorino cheese, finely grated 
  • 1/4 small red onion, sliced into thin wedges
  • 1 small lebanese cucumber, roughly chopped into cubes
  • Optional- 1 tablespoon fresh coriander, finely chopped


1. Place rocket, red onion, cucumber and coriander in a medium serving bowl. Sprinkle with pecorino cheese and sea salt, if desired. 

Serves / 2 as a side salad 
Total Preparation time / 8 minutes 

x E

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