Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I have made so many different Thai Beef Salad's over the years; some with vermicelli noodles, some with kelp noodles, some with wildly different vegetables and some that were frankly just a soggy mess. After much fine tuning, I stick to the below recipe, only adapting slightly if need be. It is simple, extremely fresh and quick to make. I love cooking this meal when I've been a little off the rails with my food choices as this light dish helps me get back on track. 


  • 100g rice vermicelli noodles 
  • 350g lean eye fillet steak, thinly sliced 
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 4 small tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 1 medium Lebanese cucumber or 1/2 a large continental cucumber, finely chopped
  • 3 heaped tablespoons fresh chives and/or coriander, finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes 
  • the juice of 1 medium lime
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce 
  • 3 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce
  • 1 large garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds 


1. Soak noodles in boiling hot water for five minutes, then drain well with cold water. Place in a large serving bowl. 

2. Whilst noodles are soaking, combine tomato, cucumber, herb/s and chill flakes in the large serving bowl and toss well to combine. 

3. Make the dressing by combining all the dressing ingredients in a small bowl, including 2 tablespoons of water and stirring well. 

3. Heat the sesame oil in a medium frying pan over medium heat and add beef slices. Cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently, until beef is just browned and cooked to your liking (rare, medium-rare, etc). Taste regularly whilst cooking so you do not overcook beef and make it too chewy. Remove from heat when cooked and add the beef to the top of the salad. Drizzle dressing over the top and toss well to combine all ingredients. Serve while beef is warm and tender. 

Serves /
Total Preparation time / 10-12 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 15 minutes maximum 

x Emily 

Monday, January 28, 2013


1. Start Cooking
Learning to cook was one of the best decisions I ever made. Whilst I was a little slow off the mark being 22 and a half, it is never too late to get involved in the kitchen. Cooking at home is cost-effective, convenient and extremely rewarding. It is also much healthier for you than eating out everyday, as you know and control exactly how much fat is going into each meal. Resolve to start cooking today; you can begin with small steps, such as learning how to make eggs, how to use herbs and spices or purchase a cookbook to inspire you! If you do know how to cook, start making meals that you can take to work to avoid the fried, oily and sugary munchies at lunchtime. 

2. Hydrate
Carry a bottle of water around with you wherever you go. Try to fill yourself up with this natural drink when you are craving something that you know you are not even hungry for! Or better yet...

3. Get your Hawaii On...
with Green Tea Hawaii, a weight loss and health drink, and Hawaiian Coconut Energy, an all natural energy drink. Green Tea Hawaii is a highly concentrated powdered form of green tea and noni, one of the world's most important healing plants. The healing noni fruit, combined with green tea extract to make Green Tea Hawaii, provides over 200 health benefits per drink, such as increased metabolism, increased energy and the burning of belly fat. One powdered serving contains as many antioxidants as 45 cups of regular green tea and a daily serving of noni juice! 

Hawaiian Coconut Energy replaces super sugary sports drinks, which actually contain more calories than you have just spent hours burning off. Hawaiian coconut energy provides your body with electrolytes without the sugar, assists with weight loss, lowers blood pressure, improves digestion and provides you with hours of energy. Hawaiian Coconut Energy contains no carbs, no sugars, no fat and no calories! 

Intrigued at all? Learn more by visiting the Facebook page at, emailing, or calling 0400 929 010. 

4. Have your snacks ready
Your healthy snacks, that is. Don't be caught at 3pm down at the vending machine enticing your sugar cravings. Pack your brown bag full of fruit, cut up vegetables such as celery, carrot & green beans, nuts, dried fruit, low-fat yoghurt and wholegrain crackers. 

5. Move your body
No one can lose weight healthily or sustain weight loss without exercise. Try to change your mindset regarding working out and see it as your special alone time where your sole focus is on you. Adults should be getting 2 and a half hours of exercise a week, so that equals five 30 minute blocks of YOU time. Don't feel that you have to be constrained by the gym; go for a walk, rock-climb, go to a yoga or Pilates class. Just get moving. Consistent physical activity can decrease stress, lower your blood pressure and slim down your waistline! 

6. It's all about the Portion 
How do any of us know if we are eating the correct portion size to lose weight? Does putting as much on your plate equal a proper portion size? Mmm no! Have a look at this great link below to find out how much the recommended serving size for each food category is. You may notice that vegetables do not make an appearance on this chart; that is because a lot of vegetables can be eaten in large quantities without gaining weight! 

7. Rise and Shine! 
And eat your breakfast, just like your Mama told you to. I'm sure you have all heard it before, but breakfast jump starts your metabolism and actually speeds it up throughout the day. Even if you are not hungry, try to eat a small breakfast which will get your energy levels going. An ideal breakfast consist of fruit, whole grains, lean protein and a vegetable or two. 

8. Fill your Plate with the Colours of the Rainbow
My mother always used to look so proud when she listed the different colours on our dinner plates. The four of us kids always thought she was a little crazy, going on and going about the 9 -12 colourful hues in front of us every night. As I grew up and started to work in the health & fitness industry, I realised just how lucky I was to have a vibrant, flavourful and colourful plate to consume every dinner, which contained bucket-loads of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Many nutritionists agree that we should consume 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 to 3 cups of vegetables a day and I have no doubt that Mama Berkelmans would concur. 

9. Go traditional with Dinner time
Turn off the TV, put the iphones in another room and ditch the electronic devices for some old school family time. Whether you have a big family with children or just you and friends or a partner, aim to eat as a family at least once a week. Research has shown that family meals promote healthier eating and less binge eating. 

10. Dine out without the Guilt 
Contrary to popular belief, you can dine out at a restaurant and stick to your healthy eating plan. You just have to be smart about it. Order items that are 'grilled', 'baked', 'broiled' or 'steamed' and avoid the tantalising 'fried' items. Ask for dressing, sauce and oil on the side and fill up on side salads and steamed vegetables. Avoid the bread basket and the butter! 

Best of luck for a happy, healthy and balanced 2013!! 

x Emily 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I’ve found a good pal in organic black beans in a tin, which can be found at Wray Organic health stores. As I am about to head into yet another renovation for my partner and my business, time is getting more and more precious! Whilst I’d love to spend all my free time not instructing at home cooking up a storm, I have been told that this is not going to fly for the next couple of weeks. Therefore, shortcuts have become my new best friends. And I must admit that you can not even tell the difference between these canned beans and the real  raw deal. Give them a try when you are short on time; It will save you around 45- 60 minutes of cooking! 


  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach or iceberg lettuce, washed & drained 
  • 500g chicken breast fillets, preferably free range, diced into even 4cm pieces
  • 1/2 - 1 packet taco seasoning (35g) (depending on how spicy you want the dish)
  • 150g cherry tomatoes or regular tomatoes, finely diced 
  • 1/2 ripe avocado, cut into rough pieces and tossed with a dash of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 x 400g tin cooked black beans, rinsed & drained 
  • 1/4 cup fresh chives, roughly chopped
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped


1. Prepare chicken by tossing together chicken pieces, taco seasoning, garlic and coconut oil in a medium bowl.

2. Heat a medium frying pan over medium heat and add chicken. Cook, stirring frequently, until no pink flesh is visible. The chicken may start to stick to the pan due to the seasoning, so you can add slightly more oil or water, 1 tablespoon at a time. When chicken is cooked, lower heat to a simmer and toss in drained black beans for 1 minute or until beans are warm. Remove from heat. 

3. Place baby spinach or lettuce in a large serving bowl or on a large serving plate. Add cooked chicken and black beans, then tomatoes. Top with chives and avocado. Sprinkle some fresh lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper on top if you desire. Toss gently and serve warm.

Serves /
Total Preparation time / 15 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 10 minutes 

x Emily

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"I lost everything that was weighing me down", Australian model Lara Bingle says of her recent 12 kilogram weight loss. In a January edition of WHO magazine, Bingle opens up about her newly svelte figure and super toned stomach. One year ago, Lara was snapped at Bondi Beach in a bikini sporting a shapely figure for her small frame, which resulted in cruel taunts about her weight gain. 12 months later the gorgeous model is having the last laugh, as she debuted her new and improved body, which she reveals is all thanks to reformer Pilates and a healthy, balanced diet. The 25-year-old displayed her lean figure recently in a pair of clingy black leggings and a sports bra after leaving a gym in Sydney, Australia (photo above). Lara was all smiles after a gruelling workout, showing off her toned and trim tummy. 

In her recent interview with WHO, Bingle talks candidly about her weight gain. She admits that she was at her heaviest last year and that her boyfriend of 13 months, fashion designer Gareth Moody, was her biggest motivator in losing weight. "I've learnt you've got to be consistent in your eating and training. Gareth's taught me that", Lara explains. Bingle's new healthy lifestyle consists of reformer Pilates, super healthy smoothies and a good relationship with food. Lara reveals her weekly exercise routine in the interview, explaining that running increased her appetite and would result in her consuming double the amount of food that she does now. "I noticed once I started doing three to four sessions of Pilates a week that it calmed my crazy life down and I felt a lot more relaxed. I think that doing different activities and also mixing it up with outdoor sports is good, too, as it is a lot more stimulating than just running on a treadmill. I think it’s all about incorporating exercise into your life and not letting it be something you are forced into doing, so exercising with my friends and boyfriend always helps. Food is most important, though, because you can train but if you eat badly it won’t work."

Lara now eats healthier and smarter as well as participating in tough but rewarding Pilates classes. "With all the exercise that I do, I have to fuel my body, so I start the day with a couple of boiled eggs because I can peel them and eat them on the go, and on the weekends I might have toast with avocado. For lunch I’ll have sashimi, sushi or tuna salad, so I have a lot of protein and salad or vegetables and I also have little snacks throughout the day, like almonds. For dinner, my boyfriend and I both cook, and it’s usually just some kind of protein and vegetables. I also have a sweet tooth, so for a treat I have goji berries and dark chocolate, and I love chocolate bullets! I try and eat as organically as possible, so  I go to the food markets to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Oh, and I love juices – anything green – like cucumber, kale, spinach, and also lemon, ginger and apple". 

Lara seems to have found the key to living a balanced, healthy lifestyle as she has never looked more toned, fit or happy! 

Do you have a few extra kilos that you would like to drop, just like Lara? Want to have a toned & lean stomach but find that other exercise does not work for your body? Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at today! 

x Emily 

Monday, January 21, 2013


January can be a month of so much promise, so many declarations and new beginnings. For me, these past 22 days have been filled to the brim with family, friends, beautiful puppies, delectable food and a birthday or two. I also learnt a few critical things; that my boyfriend of 3 years is a maestro at making wine glasses sing, that my magnificent niece of 4 and a half years may very well be smarter than me and that my family is my world and my rock. I discovered many new foods this month, appetizing dishes just got more delicious in the steamy weather and that my amazing puppies continued to amaze and delight me. I received unconditional support from my family, friends and LuLulemon Athletica, a company that constantly surprises me with their ingenuity, community spirit and generosity. And lastly, I realised that a sisterly love is one of the best and most beautiful relationships in life. I say goodbye to my other limb, my sister Laura, very early this Wednesday morning, and I wish you wild adventures, never ending fun but most of all happiness. 

x Emily 

Sunday, January 20, 2013


The internet is so saturated with date ball ideas that its a little overwhelming how many recipes are out there. Some are vegan, some are sugar-free, and some are filled with butter and fat. I really like cooking recipes that friends have tried & tested and this vegan date ball formula comes from a health-nut of a friend. You can use whatever nut you like in the balls, such as hazelnut, cashew, pistachio or you can omit the nuts for dried fruit. You can add more seeds, such as 1 tablespoon of chia or omit certain seeds. To keep it strictly vegan, do not add any butter or eggs. To keep it low in sugar do not add any processed sugar; trust me when I say that the dates are sugary enough! Watch this space for more date ball recipes in the future. Thanks for getting me into this delicious and easy form of making and consuming healthy sweets Avin!


  • 500g dates 
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder 
  • 2 tablespoons white sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 2 tablespoons pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
  • 3 tablespoons almond meal
  • 75g crushed walnuts (or any other nut you prefer)
  • desiccated coconut 


1. Process the dates in a food processor until minced. You may need to add water if the date mixture is too thick and the dates become one big ball; only add a dash of water at a time. Add cacao  powder and almond meal and blend until just combined. Mix the three types of seeds and walnuts into the date mixture by stirring. Roll the mixture into even shaped balls and have a separate plate ready to roll balls in coconut. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours until set. Store in the refrigerator. 

x Emily 


Jenna Dewan-Tatum is the envy of millions of women around the world, due to her happy marriage with hunky actor Channing Tatum. There's yet another reason to wish you were Jenna; her body is toned, trim and, well, super HOT. Did we mention she was also pregnant?  The actress, model and dancer announced she was pregnant with her first child in December 2012, however at four months she is barely showing and looking even more radiant than usual! 

Last Thursday Jenna was seen heading to a Pilates reformer class in West Hollywood, keeping her baby bump until wraps despite the hot day. Mrs Tatum informs that she intends to have a healthy, balanced pregnancy and has organised her exercise routine accordingly for the next five months. Jenna is participating in exercise that will keep her fit, without over-straining her body and Pilates seems to be a perfect fit for this petite star! The 32-year-old dressed down in black leggings, sneakers and a grey sweater however her defined legs and fit frame could still be seen through these layers. 

After her Pilates workout, Jenna was seen meeting a friend in Hollywood, wearing a beautiful blue, black and white maxi dress that completely concealed her baby bump. Mrs Tatum definitely deserved a sizeable meal after all the toning and strengthening she did in her one hour Pilates class. 

Jenna met her husband of three years, Channing Tatum, on the set of dance film Step Up in 2006. They married in a small ceremony in Malibu in 2009 and have been loved up ever since. The gorgeous brunette revealed that her first pregnancy was not planned but that she was very keen to start her family. "We have been practicing my parenting skills on our two dogs LuLu & Meeka" Jenna informs. "They are kids without being kids, its good preparation!" 

It appears that Jenna will continue to keep her super fit and slender body with regular Pilates over the next five months. 

Want to look as good as Jenna does pregnant? Want to try an exercise routine that will lean and tone without putting excessive strain on your body? Try reformer Pilates today! Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at 

x Emily 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


May I stress that this is ‘lazy’ tabbouleh and therefore I am aware that the traditional Lebanese tabbouleh would be shaking its head in shame at my version! This is my take on my mother's delicious Lentil Salad. I love adding a teaspoon of ground sumac to it, but this is not necessary. I have tried this tabbouleh with olive oil and much prefer it with red wine vinegar. This vegetarian dish is perfect as a side or for a main meal accompanied with cooked chicken breast pieces, cooked quinoa or more lentils or legumes (such as chickpeas). 

  • 1 bunch of parsley, stalks removed, parsley washed & drained and roughly chopped
  • 4 medium tomatoes (around 500g), roughly chopped
  • 1 x 400g tin brown lentils, rinsed and drained 
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • the juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • Optional- 1 teaspoon ground sumac 


1. Combine all ingredients in a medium serving bowl. Toss well to combine and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving, so that the lemon can absorb into the parsley. 

Serves / 4 - 6 as a side / 4 as a main with chicken 
Total Preparation time / 15-20 minutes 

x Emily