Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"I lost everything that was weighing me down", Australian model Lara Bingle says of her recent 12 kilogram weight loss. In a January edition of WHO magazine, Bingle opens up about her newly svelte figure and super toned stomach. One year ago, Lara was snapped at Bondi Beach in a bikini sporting a shapely figure for her small frame, which resulted in cruel taunts about her weight gain. 12 months later the gorgeous model is having the last laugh, as she debuted her new and improved body, which she reveals is all thanks to reformer Pilates and a healthy, balanced diet. The 25-year-old displayed her lean figure recently in a pair of clingy black leggings and a sports bra after leaving a gym in Sydney, Australia (photo above). Lara was all smiles after a gruelling workout, showing off her toned and trim tummy. 

In her recent interview with WHO, Bingle talks candidly about her weight gain. She admits that she was at her heaviest last year and that her boyfriend of 13 months, fashion designer Gareth Moody, was her biggest motivator in losing weight. "I've learnt you've got to be consistent in your eating and training. Gareth's taught me that", Lara explains. Bingle's new healthy lifestyle consists of reformer Pilates, super healthy smoothies and a good relationship with food. Lara reveals her weekly exercise routine in the interview, explaining that running increased her appetite and would result in her consuming double the amount of food that she does now. "I noticed once I started doing three to four sessions of Pilates a week that it calmed my crazy life down and I felt a lot more relaxed. I think that doing different activities and also mixing it up with outdoor sports is good, too, as it is a lot more stimulating than just running on a treadmill. I think it’s all about incorporating exercise into your life and not letting it be something you are forced into doing, so exercising with my friends and boyfriend always helps. Food is most important, though, because you can train but if you eat badly it won’t work."

Lara now eats healthier and smarter as well as participating in tough but rewarding Pilates classes. "With all the exercise that I do, I have to fuel my body, so I start the day with a couple of boiled eggs because I can peel them and eat them on the go, and on the weekends I might have toast with avocado. For lunch I’ll have sashimi, sushi or tuna salad, so I have a lot of protein and salad or vegetables and I also have little snacks throughout the day, like almonds. For dinner, my boyfriend and I both cook, and it’s usually just some kind of protein and vegetables. I also have a sweet tooth, so for a treat I have goji berries and dark chocolate, and I love chocolate bullets! I try and eat as organically as possible, so  I go to the food markets to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Oh, and I love juices – anything green – like cucumber, kale, spinach, and also lemon, ginger and apple". 

Lara seems to have found the key to living a balanced, healthy lifestyle as she has never looked more toned, fit or happy! 

Do you have a few extra kilos that you would like to drop, just like Lara? Want to have a toned & lean stomach but find that other exercise does not work for your body? Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at premiumpilatesstudio.com today! 

x Emily 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! I'm too considering pilates as a great weightloss workout.

