Saturday, February 23, 2013


Bad gut? You are not alone. 
Research has revealed that over 90% of Australian women experience problems such as bloating, diarrhoea and cramping at least once a month, and a massive 55% experience these symptoms on a weekly basis.  When this happens to you what is your treatment plan? Do you go through your medicine cabinet for pills to numb the pain, seek a doctor for advice or change your diet? How about this time around you try Pilates! 
Pilates has created quite a name for itself over the past decade. Celebrities love it, pre & post-natal mothers swear by it and athletes are seeing its importance for building core strength. Apart from toning, strengthening and leaning your entire body, Pilates can also provide several other lesser known health and well-being benefits. 
Australian Pilates guru and owner of Pilates International Sally Anderson reveals that Pilates also has internal benefits to offer its followers. "The ability of Pilates movement to restore function to organs, muscles, joints and bones is not shared by drugs and surgery. The best way to gain the benefits of movement for health is in a preventative capacity. Movement is incredibly powerful in preventing disease processes, and the Pilates method offers the ultimate science-based, low impact way to move in all ranges and for all needs."
Sally goes on to break down exactly how Pilates can help prevent digestive problems: 
1. By massaging your muscles - Many Pilates exercises arouse a natural massage effect on the muscles, which assists in improving the removal of toxins and waste matter in the digestive tract. This results in a more efficient intestinal system. 
2. By reducing stress - Stress is like poison to our body and muscles. When we get ourselves wound up, our digestive systems in turn become anxious and stressed. Women will usually reach for sugary items, alcohol or caffeine  when stress rears its ugly head. These unhealthy foods and drinks contribute immensely to poor digestion. Pilates focuses on controlled breathing, which assists in reducing stress, anxiety and worry and therefore decreases the likelihood of you reaching for junk food. 
3. By stretching - All Pilates exercises focus on lengthening the spine and several focus on extending the torso, which stretches the digestive tract and encourages the processing of food. So start stretching today! Besides the fact that stretching can assist you in achieving longer and leaner muscles and decrease the chance of injury, it can also keep your digestive system healthy and efficient. 

Sick of dealing with an uncomfortable gut? Try Pilates today and start reaping the health benefits listed above plus many more. Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at today! 

x Emily 

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