Friday, March 1, 2013


Gentleman, there is a very good reason why your girlfriends are spending their disposable income on frequent Pilates classes - because they really and truly WORK. Perhaps the idea of losing weight, wearing cute exercise gear and toning up your inner thighs does not appeal to you, but does a stronger core and a better sex life? If it does, read on. 

As co-owner of Premium Pilates Studio, a Pilates reformer studio in Brisbane, I see more and more men coming in to try out this once women dominated form of exercise. More often than not, male clients are surprised by how tough the exercises are and how much of a workout they get from a 50 minute class. Pilates offers a wealth of benefits that men will specifically be interested in, such as the five listed below. 

1. Pilates improves your core strength
 Pilates focuses on strengthening your deep transverse abdominals, which are the muscles underneath your six-pack, given you a super strong, toned and ripped stomach. 

2. Pilates increases flexibility. 
Athletic men are generally quite inflexible, due to the large amount of muscle mass they have. Pilates focuses on stretching and leaning the muscles of the body, which reduces the chance of injury and muscle strains. In addition, Pilates increases your range of motion, which is very important for fit men as it enhances their sport and exercise. 

3. Pilates develops overlooked and neglected muscles. 
Certain muscles are utilised during almost every move we make, which results in overactivity, tightness and sometimes pain in these muscles. Pilates focuses on strengthening the smaller, often unused muscles which results in a more proportional body, balanced muscle mass and lessens the risk of injury.  

4. Pilates helps your attention span.  
If you have been in a Pilates class before, you will know that you have to pay attention to every single exercise; you need to focus on your breath, your technique, your speed and the muscles you should be working. Its a lot to take in, but it results in you expanding your awareness, your focus and your consciousness (which is probably something that your girlfriend often tells you to do!). 

5. Pilates enhances your sex life. 
We saved the best for last...Pilates strengthens the core of the body and the pelvic floor, which results in greater control in this part of the anatomy for men in the bedroom. 

Hopefully these benefits have increased your knowledge of and interest in Pilates guys! If you are intrigued by this form of exercise, come give Pilates a go! Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at One of the co-owners, Chris Boult, is a male who swears by Pilates for the above five reasons and many more. Come try Pilates with him today! 

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