Thursday, May 9, 2013


Usually by the time Friday rolls around I start to go a little nuts. My week is wrapping up, spirits are high and I can barely string a sentence together. So its fitting that this Friday we talk about actual, edible nuts and the health benefits they have to offer. I will admit that I used to be scared of the fat content in nuts and would instead turn to 3-4 pieces of fruit a day, which was a super high amount of sugar and fructose to be consuming. However, as I read more about these fascinating little babies I have come to realise that they are filled to the brim with nutritional value, GOOD fats and keep me feeling much more satisfied than an afternoon apple snack ever could. Studies have revealed that a moderate intake of nuts 30-50 grams a day, is by no means linked with weight gain. In fact, regular consumption of nuts increases the release of hunger hormones in the gut, thus helping us control our appetites. 

Pistachios : the US Department of Agriculture has recently discovered that eating pistachios can assist you in reaching your weight loss goals, as some of their fat is not fully absorbed, meaning that you feel fuller for longer without the calories. These little green nuts also have the highest level of cholesterol lowering plant sterosis. 

Walnuts: are packed with omega-3 fats which provide you with healthy looking skin and a strong heart. 

Peanuts: another nut that assists in lowering cholesterol. 

Brazil Nuts: a natural cancer-fighter. 

Almonds: an excellent source of mono-unsaturated fat, which helps burn fat. 

Hazelnuts: are full of calcium and folate, which is great for the heart. 

x Emily 

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