Tuesday, July 30, 2013


As we near the business-end of winter, sniffles, colds, coughs, viruses and the dreaded flu are still all around us. There's always so much talk about what you should eat in winter that it is natural to feel a little confused and overwhelmed over all the super foods that people tell you to eat. Below is a list of ten vitamin & mineral rich winter foods for you to incorporate into your diet. 

  1. Broccoli - exceptionally high in antioxidants.
  2. Carrots - full of the antioxidant beta carotene.
  3. Red capsicum - massive hit of vitamin C.
  4. Kiwifruit - just one contains your entire daily requirement of vitamin C.
  5. Oranges - just one contains your entire daily requirement of vitamin C.
  6. Green tea - powerful antioxidant.
  7. Mushrooms - rich source of antioxidants.
  8. Lean beef - rich in zinc.
  9. Oysters - exceptionally high in zinc and iodine.
  10. Berries - packed with antioxidants and hardly any kilojoules.

These 10 foods are vital for your immune system to function properly. As you can see, vitamin C is essential to fighting colds and coughs and is present in red capsicum, kiwifruit and oranges. However, not many people struggle with consuming enough vitamin C a day. We usually go overboard on the vitamin C and ignore a very important mineral; zinc. 

Many people, particularly women and children, suffer from a low intake of zinc. Foods rich in zinc include red meat, seafood, wholegrain bread, nuts and fortified breakfast cereals (cereal that has had vitamins & minerals added to it in the production stage). 

Adults require 8-12 milligrams of zinc a day, half of which can be found in a palm-sized piece of lean red meat. Surprisingly one little oyster contains almost your entire daily requirement of zinc. Once you know you are satisfying your daily intake of zinc, you can move onto the really colourful foods; fruit and vegetables! 

Fruit & vegetables are full of numerous antioxidants, including our good friend vitamin C, which assists in protecting our cells from infection. I absolutely love this next fact; the brighter the fruit and vegetable, the better it is for you! Therefore, stock up on beetroot, broccoli, green beans, oranges, pumpkin, red cabbage, red capsicum and sweet potato and use them in smoothies & juices or in casseroles, stir-fries or soups. 

The one thing that most of us fail at in winter is keeping our fluids up. The air is brisk, the wind is chilly and we just do not feel like drinking water. We desperately need to! Dehydration not only exacerbates our cough and flu symptoms but it is also horrible for our digestion. If you cannot face icy cold water in winter, don't put your water in the fridge! Or drink Green Tea Hawaii, a delicious green tea and noni energising drink that can be purchased at alohahealth.com.au. One sachet of green tea hawaii contains an enormous amount of antioxidants; in fact, to get the same antioxidant value from regular green tea, you would need to drink 45 cups!  If all you crave in winter is hot drinks, get into hot green tea or warm water with a slice of lemon. 

Wishing you all a warm and toasty August! Stay healthy with these 10 top winter foods and keep drinking! 

x Emily 

Monday, July 29, 2013


Exercise addict, actress and model Jaime King is not letting an expanding baby bump get in her way of doing Pilates. The 34-year-old was spotted on not one, but two occasions in the past week leaving her Pilates class in LA (see photos above). 

Jaime's beautiful pregnant belly was on display as she wore figure-hugging exercise clothes to her class. The slim actress shows no sign of ceasing her fitness routine as her first baby grows. A self confessed gym addict, Ms King has thrown herself into her Pilates classes, as this low impact form of exercise is both safe and challenging for pregnant women. Pilates focuses on strengthening the pelvic floor and transverses abdominus, two muscles that are very important throughout pregnancy, during childbirth and postnatally. 

The soon to be mother is clearly loving her new exercise of choice. After her Pilates class Jaime couldn't wait to get on twitter and rave about her class. 'Best Pilates session!'

The quirky model revealed that she was expecting via Twitter in early July by posting a photo of her, her husband, filmmaker Kylie Newman, and her two dogs with the caption 'getting ready for another baby to be squeezed into this picture'. Jaime also chose the same social media outlet to share her future baby's name...'The Untitled Newman-King Project'. Definitely the most original name we have ever heard! 

Pregnant, recently had a baby or thinking of adding to your family? Come try Pilates today at Premium Pilates Studio! Call us on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at premiumpilatesstudio to make an inquiry. 

x Emily 

Sunday, July 28, 2013


This Green Vegetable Soup was adapted from Sarah Wilson’s (author of the I Quit Sugar cookbook) Cheesy Green Mish-Mash Soup. I added all the green vegetables I could find in my fridge, plus some potatoes to thicken the soup somewhat and add some healthy starch. No dairy was used in this soup. The colour may put some diners off but the taste of this soup is divine and oh-so-healthy. Definitely up there as one of my favourite winter soups. On a side note- use the WHOLE broccoli, stalks and all! 


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil 
  • 1 medium brown onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 large garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 2 medium broccoli heads, stalks sliced thinly and florets roughly chopped
  • 1 celery stalk, roughly chopped
  • 2 medium zucchini, diced
  • 1 bok choy, roughly chopped
  • 3 small white potatoes, peeled & diced
  • 1.25 litres (5 cups) vegetable stock (preferably Massell brand)
  • sea salt & pepper
  • the juice of 1/2 a lemon


1. Add oil to a large saucepan over medium-high heat and add onion and garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until onion is starting to soften. Add the broccoli, celery, zucchini, bok choy and potatoes to the pan and stir well to combine. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil, covered, then reduce to a simmer for 12-15 minutes. Add the salt & pepper and stir well. 

2. Transfer the soup to a blender or food processor and blend/process the soup until it becomes a smooth consistency. Stir in the lemon juice and serve warm. 

Serves / 4 - 6
Total Preparation/Chopping time / 15-18 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 25 minutes 

x Emily 

Thursday, July 25, 2013


This green juice is incredibly easy to make. I was blown away by how only 4 ingredients could taste so good and so revitalising. Even my little pup Bear wanted to get his paws on some! I love drinking light smoothies and juices for a snack during my day, as I love the fresh ingredients. The only downside about this recipe is that it serves only 1, so many sure to double the quantity if you are not alone! 


  • 2/3 cup sugar-free coconut water (Aloha Health makes a great one)
  • a large handful of baby spinach, washed
  • 200g watermelon, chopped roughly 
  • squeeze of 1/2 a lime 


1. Place all the ingredients in a good quality blender with a handful of ice cubes. Blend until all ingredients are combined and the consistency is runny, like that of a juice. Have a taste and add some more coconut water or a drizzle more lime if need be. 

Serves / 1 
Total Preparation & Blending time / 5 minutes maximum 

x Emily 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I’ve been making quite simple lunches and dinners recently as all my effort has gone into making snacks - such as date balls, pumpkin bread and green smoothies. Also I will add that a huge chunk of my time has gone into searching for a house! Very exciting but doesn’t leave all that much time in the kitchen. So here is another humble lunch for you - with just 8 ingredients (7 if you don’t count the oil). I am presuming that around this time of year we all get sick and busier all at once and no-fuss meals become our saviour! Hope you enjoy this one. 


  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 2 cups gluten-free vegetable/chicken stock 
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 500g free-range chicken mince
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1/6 - 1/8 red cabbage, finely chopped
  • 1 large zucchini, finely chopped
  • 1 medium carrot, finely chopped


1. Place the rice in a small to medium saucepan and pour in 2 cups stock. Bring to the boil, covered, then simmer for around 20-25 minutes or until the rice is tender and all the liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat and keep covered to use in step 2. 

2. Once the rice has been simmering for around 10 minutes, heat oil in a wok or deep frying pan over medium-high heat and swirl to coat. Once the oil is hot add the chicken mine and cook, breaking up any lumps of meat until all the mince is coloured and no pink remains. This may take 5-8 minutes, depending on the heat of your stove. Add the curry powder and stir well to combine with the mince for 1 minute. Add the chopped vegetables and cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes or until vegetables are almost tender. If the vegetables or mince start to stick to the pan add around a 1/4 cup of water at a time and continue stirring. Add the cooked rice to the wok/pan and stir well until the rice is combined with the vegetables. Remove from the heat and serve warm. 

Serves /
Total Preparation time / 10 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 30-35 minutes 

x Emily 

Monday, July 22, 2013


Spring Breakers star Ashley Benson started her week the right way with a sweaty Pilates session. Ashley tweeted that she was 'working on my fitness' before entering the Pilates class. The 23 year-old actress, model and dancer looked very different from her movie character Brittany, as she donned workout leggings, a loose T-shirt and cute pink socks for her Monday workout. As you can see from the photos above, Benson spends most of her time in the movie in revealing bikinis!
Ashley's washboard abs in the movie caused many women to wonder what her exercise routine is. Benson, who is famous for her role in the TV series Pretty Little Liars, is very serious about her fitness regime. The actress is often seen heading to the gym where she does cardio or Pilates classes. She also loves to kickbox. Ashley has also been spotted on several occasions exercising with resistance bands, doing planks and core work with her boyfriend, Tyler Blackburn. Benson informs that she is very energetic so she enjoys using that energy to exercise and stay fit. 
Ashley reveals that her first-ever movie attire is not what you would expect of her. “I was in a bathing suit every single day [while filming Spring Breakers]. It definitely made me more confident. I was like, ‘Whatever. Come on, throw it on me.’ It is what it is! People will make mean comments. People are going to say that you’re fat, that you’re this, that you’re that. You just have to be comfortable in your own skin.”

Want to be comfortable in your own skin and tone your tummy for summer? Call Premium Pilates Studio on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at premiumpilatesstudio.com 
x Emily 

Sunday, July 21, 2013


As another beautiful winter weekend comes to a close, we deliver a few interesting health facts to get you thinking about your diet, fitness and why you should use social media more for your exercise goals. 

1. Wild or Brown? 

There has been so much talk about the different types of rice and what is healthiest for you. Both wild and brown rice are a much better choice than white rice, however wild rice wins in the less calories and less fat department. Wild rice contains 1 gram less fat and 30 less calories than brown brown per half serving. The fibre content in both wild & brown rice is very similar, however the grains in wild rice actually contain less carbs than the grains in brown rice. Wild rice also has 5 times the amount of folate and is higher in protein than brown rice. If you haven't tried wild rice yet, check out the blog for recipes!

2. Tweeting = weight loss? 

I know it sounds strange, but regularly logging on to your social media accounts can assist in losing those unwanted centimetres. How exactly? A North American study revealed that reading positive tweets on diet, healthy living and exercise motivated people trying to lose weight to stay committed to their fitness goals and even start sharing healthy living statuses of their own. The study involved following 96 overweight people for six months who tweeted regularly about their weight loss journey and found that each of their body weight decreased by almost 3%! 

3. Nighttime snacking. 

Often I find that I get quite hungry after dinner and before bedtime. As someone who cannot go to bed hungry, I submit to my nighttime cravings and open the fridge. Contrary to popular belief it is okay to eat late at night, as long as you do so smartly. You want to go for foods that take a long time to digest, therefore leaving you feeling fuller for longer. You also want to choose food that will not cause indigestion and that will not produce insulin surges, or you may find yourself hungry again 5 minutes later. Dietitian's suggest that we reach for a snack that has between 95 -145 calories and contains a minimum of 3 grams of fibre. The snacks that fall into this category could include 12 almonds & a cup of sliced strawberries and a piece of wholegrain toast or a few rice/corn cakes topped with natural peanut buter. 

4. Put the Butt out. 

If you need another reason to quit smoking, here it is; smoking increases the intensity of those hangovers we all know and love. An American study revealed that the chemical acetaldehyde found in cigarettes (and also formed in our bodies when we drink alcohol) causes the horrible hangovers one experiences after a night of heavy drinking and strenuous smoking.  

5. Keep the calories burning. 

After participating in a 50 minute exercise workout, your body continues to burn calories / kilojoules for a whooping 14 hours! Just another reason to get your exercise in early in the morning and reap the benefits all day. 

x Emily 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


You make think the food you are consuming is healthy, as the media and the brand have told you that it is. However there are a number of repeat 'healthy food' offenders that are filled with sugar and lies. Below are a few to watch out for and avoid if possible. 

1. Vitamin enriched water

Judging by the name, this drink sounds super nutritious  However, this fluid is basically sugary water with a few vitamins. Yes you are getting your daily dose of nutrients, (similar to that of a multivitamin), but with a bucket load of extra sugar and calories with it. Did you know that a single serving of vitamin water can contain as much as 5 teaspoons of sugar? The American Heart Association recommends that women consume a maximum of 6 teaspoons of sugar a day and men 9 teaspoons. 

Alternative - WATER. No calories, no sugar, no worries. Or if you really need to drink water with flavouring, add some lime, lemon or orange wedges or cucumber slices. And don't stress about where you are going to get your daily vitamins from, as they are in all grains, vegetables and fruits. 

2. Muesli & Granola 

Muesli and granola seem packed to the brim with grains, oats and healthy goodness right? Unfortunately, they are also chockfull of sugar and calories. A single bowl can contain as much as 669 calories (2,800 kilojoules) and that's even before adding your yoghurt, milk or fruit topping. And don't think that muesli and granola bars are exempt from this list, because they also contain hidden added sugars, chocolate and chicory root extract, which is a sneaky way to describe inulin, a sugar made from plants that is very hard for the body to digest. 

Get creative - Make your own Muesli and/or Granola. Then you are in control of exactly how much sugar you put into your bowl and what form you use. Alternatively you can haunt the cereal aisle of your supermarket and inspect the labels of pre-packaged muesli & granola in detail - not all brands are filled with sugar. Find a muesli / granola with a low sugar content and stick with it. 

3. Diet Drinks

Often we equivalent diet or no calories with healthy, however these words do not always go together. Diet drinks are packed with artificial sweeteners and anything that is used to make dirty gravel roads sparkle does not belong in your stomach! Many studies show that consuming super sweet substances, such as diet drinks, can lead to overeating in the future. What scares me the most about soft drinks is that they can cause bone loss. Research reveals that phosphoric acid, found in dark cola drinks, has the potential to seep calcium from your bones, directly increasing your risk of osteoporosis. 

Ditch it altogether - and drink water, tea or small quantities of milk. Your bones and intestines will thank you. 

4. Banana Bread

It physically pains me to write this, as I love a slice of banana bread as much as the next person. The ugly truth is that banana bread contains mostly sugar, butter and white flour and is therefore not healthier than a chocolate brownie or dense piece of cake. The average piece of banana bread can be broken down into over 60 grams of carbs, 20-30 grams of fat and at least 4 teaspoons of sugar (remember that our daily intake for women is only 6 grams and 9 grams for men). 

Trick yourself - and place sliced banana on your multigrain or wholemeal toast or on your homemade or low sugar muesli. Or get inventive in the kitchen and experiment with making your own sugar-free banana bread. 

5. Veggie Chips

I also used to eat a fair few veggie chips, as I considered them much better for me than regular potato and corn chips. How wrong I was, as these 'vegetable' based chips are basically all equal in calories and fat to those greasy, salty potato and flavoured chips. Veggie chips are primarily made up of fried potatoes, with a hint of vegetable powder or puree thrown in there to provide its bright colouring. 

Substitute - veggie chips for fresh, wholesome vegetables like celery, carrot or zucchini. Pair these with homemade avocado dip or hummus. 

There are of course many more naughty foods posing as super healthy, such as fruit juice, some smoothies and yoghurt covered raisins, to name a few. Read labels in detail and remember that the best way to know exactly what goes into your food is to make it yourself! 

x Emily