Sunday, July 21, 2013


As another beautiful winter weekend comes to a close, we deliver a few interesting health facts to get you thinking about your diet, fitness and why you should use social media more for your exercise goals. 

1. Wild or Brown? 

There has been so much talk about the different types of rice and what is healthiest for you. Both wild and brown rice are a much better choice than white rice, however wild rice wins in the less calories and less fat department. Wild rice contains 1 gram less fat and 30 less calories than brown brown per half serving. The fibre content in both wild & brown rice is very similar, however the grains in wild rice actually contain less carbs than the grains in brown rice. Wild rice also has 5 times the amount of folate and is higher in protein than brown rice. If you haven't tried wild rice yet, check out the blog for recipes!

2. Tweeting = weight loss? 

I know it sounds strange, but regularly logging on to your social media accounts can assist in losing those unwanted centimetres. How exactly? A North American study revealed that reading positive tweets on diet, healthy living and exercise motivated people trying to lose weight to stay committed to their fitness goals and even start sharing healthy living statuses of their own. The study involved following 96 overweight people for six months who tweeted regularly about their weight loss journey and found that each of their body weight decreased by almost 3%! 

3. Nighttime snacking. 

Often I find that I get quite hungry after dinner and before bedtime. As someone who cannot go to bed hungry, I submit to my nighttime cravings and open the fridge. Contrary to popular belief it is okay to eat late at night, as long as you do so smartly. You want to go for foods that take a long time to digest, therefore leaving you feeling fuller for longer. You also want to choose food that will not cause indigestion and that will not produce insulin surges, or you may find yourself hungry again 5 minutes later. Dietitian's suggest that we reach for a snack that has between 95 -145 calories and contains a minimum of 3 grams of fibre. The snacks that fall into this category could include 12 almonds & a cup of sliced strawberries and a piece of wholegrain toast or a few rice/corn cakes topped with natural peanut buter. 

4. Put the Butt out. 

If you need another reason to quit smoking, here it is; smoking increases the intensity of those hangovers we all know and love. An American study revealed that the chemical acetaldehyde found in cigarettes (and also formed in our bodies when we drink alcohol) causes the horrible hangovers one experiences after a night of heavy drinking and strenuous smoking.  

5. Keep the calories burning. 

After participating in a 50 minute exercise workout, your body continues to burn calories / kilojoules for a whooping 14 hours! Just another reason to get your exercise in early in the morning and reap the benefits all day. 

x Emily 

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