Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Just a few fun health facts to get you through this dreary Wednesday. I thoroughly enjoyed typing them up and hope you learn something new and interesting, as I definitely did. 

1. Take a Stand. 
Did you know that for every 3 hours you spend standing, you burn an extra 600 kilojoules than if you were sitting? You could use these extra 143 calories to consume an extra 300g serving of cooked vegetables or to woof down two small multigrain rolls. So get up from your desk and walk around as often as you can (or as often as your boss will allow!). 

2. Get some Beets in you. 
Beetroot has been proven to lower blood pressure, which has recently become the world's largest health risk. A whooping 1 in 3 Australians between the ages of 30 and 65 have high blood pressure. Consuming 2 glasses of 250ml of beetroot juice will result in your blood pressure dropping in just six hours. 

3. Men, beware. Today is not a pretty day. 
British beauty brand St Tropez has conducted a poll that revealed that women look their oldest and most haggard at 3:30pm on a Wednesday. According to the study, stress levels, lack of sleep and poor diet result in a mid-week beauty plummet. Men, we would love if you would not point this out to us today. 

4. Colour my kitchen. 
Another interesting health study by European researchers has revealed that the colour of the plates and cups we use in our home corresponds with how tasty we find our food. The colours we love are orange and cream, as participants all rated a chocolate drink as richer in flavour when served out of these colour mugs. White and red were low performers, therefore it couldn't hurt to eat your meal off a white and / or red plate tonight...you may find yourself a little less into your food than if it was served on an orange or cream plate! 

5. Heart Health
Indulge in blueberries and strawberries to reduce your chance of having a heart attack by 32%. Make sure that you eat 3 servings of each a week to get the benefits of the flavonoids in these colourful fruits that assist in enlarging arteries. 

x Emily 

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