Sunday, August 25, 2013


You could easily forgive anyone for thinking that Xylitol sounds like a dangerous artificial sugar, as the name just screams chemicals and synthetics.  I was very sceptical before I started using this sugar and therefore did my research and then some. The sweet truth about xylitol may surprise many. 
I was helping a good friend out at her Green Tea Hawaii stall just yesterday at the Bulimba festival when I discovered that many people in Brisbane (or at least in the Bulimba-Hawthorne community) shared my initial apprehension about Xylitol. Just a bit of background for you: Green Tea Hawaii is a a highly concentrated form of green tea and the superfood noni that contains the same antioxidant value as 45 cups of regular green tea. Just 1 serving a day provides you with numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, increased metabolism, lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and a reduction in muscle damage, to name a few. Two servings of Green Tea Hawaii a day, one 15-30 minutes before breakfast and another 15-30 minutes before lunch or dinner will assist in both weight loss and weight control, in conjunction with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. I could talk all day about Green Tea Hawaii and what positives it has done for my body, however that is not the point of this post. The point is that as we discussed the numerous health benefits, our experience with the tea and what exact ingredients were involved, people's noses got wildly out of joint about the fact that there was just 5% sugar or sweetening blend in the entire tea or just over 1/2 a gram of sugar in one serving. A small amount of this 5% contained xylitol, one of my favourite sugars, which made people even more apprehensive. I'm not hear to preach at all about what you should and shouldn't be drinking, but I desperately do want to share the very interesting benefits I have discovered over the past several months about xylitol and why I use it and love it. 
The Facts
  • Xylitol is a low kilojoule sugar substitute 
  • It is found naturally in fibrous fruits, such as plums and vegetables, such as corn. Commerical forms of this sugar are found in birch and other hardwood trees
  • This natural sugar is also found in our bodies, in human tissue
  • Xylitol contains 40% less kilojoules than many other sugars on the shelves, therefore making it a great choice for people with diabetes and those wanting to lose weight 
  • It contains hardly any carbohydrates
  • It has a low GI of 7, whilst other sugars have a GI of 100, which means that these sugars enter the blood stream a lot quicker than xylitol
  • Xylitol is absorbed by the body very slowly, making it a natural insulin stabiliser. As it is absorbed at a slow pace you avoid the 'sugar spike' that you experience by consuming other sugar products, which results in a severe drop in blood sugar and a desire for more sugar
  • Due to this slow absorption, xylitol reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings
  • Extensive research has revealed that xylitol has a positive effect on oral health. Xylitol actually assists in preventing streptococcus mutans, the primary bacteria that causes dental cavities, from cultivating in teeth as xylitol inhibits the growth of bacteria, whilst other sugars enable this growth. 
  • Because this powerful sugar prevents the growth of bacteria, it also encourages aural (ear and hearing) health. A 2004 study revealed that xylitol impairs the bacteria streptococcus pneumoniae, one of the leading causes of ear infections. The study found that by damaging this bacteria, xylitol assisted in inhibiting the bacteria from multiplying. 
  • This naturally-found sugar also actively restores minor dental damage
  • Xylitol has no unappetising bitter aftertaste, like you find with artificial sweeteners
You can buy xylitol in health food stores, as it is not currently a big enough household name in Australia to be stocked in major supermarkets. However I am hoping that with more Australians trying this natural sugar the demand will have an effect on the supply and we will find this sugar much more accessible. 

If you want to find out more about Green Tea Hawaii, head to or

x Emily 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


These beetroot cupcake cross muffins could also be described as the healthy version of red velvet cupcakes. I’ve witnessed several friends attempting to eat a cake that contained beetroot and being unable to get over the fact that they are eating a vegetable for dessert. To that I simply say, try eating it again. This beautiful Teresa Cutter gluten-free dairy-free cupcake recipe is filled with natural sweeteners like cacao powder, almonds, cinnamon, honey and of course beetroot. It has quickly become one of my favourite treats to bake and my fiancĂ©e cannot get enough of them (which is saying something as I have extreme trouble getting him to eat anything that does not contain meat). If you cannot get past the fact that these cupcakes do not have a topping or frosting, scoop some natural yoghurt or warm berries on top. 


  • 260g (2 medium) unpeeled beetroot, washed & grated raw
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or paste (paste is far better!)
  • 2 eggs, preferably free-range, beaten
  • 150g (1 1/2 cups) ground almonds / almond meal
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/5 - 1/4 cup raw cacao powder
  • 2 heaped tablespoons honey 
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • pinch of sea salt 
  • 1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda or 1 1/2 teaspoons gluten-free baking powder 


1. Preheat a fan-forced oven to 160 degrees celsius. Lightly grease a 10 capacity muffin/cupcake tin with coconut oil. 

2. Combine the grated beetroot, vanilla, eggs, almond meal, cinnamon, cacao, honey, coconut oil, salt and bicarb or baking soda into a large bowl and stir/mix until all ingredients are combined. Spoon the mixture into the 10 prepared cupcake tins, make sure each tin has the same amount of mixture. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until cooked through (that is, you can insert a skewer or knife into the centre of any cupcake and it will come out clean). Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Serve topped with natural yoghurt, mixed berries or by itself (my favourite way to eat them). 

Makes / 10 
Total Preparation time / 15 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 35-40 minutes (plus cooling time)

x Emily 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Victoria & David Beckham are one interesting couple. Famous for their quirky antics (among their sporting & fashion talents) they now have another eccentricity to add to the list; working out on a 'torture' Pilates machine! 

The famously fit pair were spotted working out on a Cadillac Trapeze (known to some as a 'medieval torture device') during their holiday in LA just last week. Posh & Becks booked a private Pilates class for just the two of them in a little gym called The Humble Abode. Photographers who snapped the celebrities called the equipment 'intimidating', however it is anything but. The Beckhams' have used the Pilates trapeze for several years and are hooked on this piece of equipment, as it tones virtually every muscle group in the body and boosts their Pilates workouts. 

Victoria Beckham first discovered Pilates in April 2009, after giving birth to three boys. Four years ago the busy mother spoke out about 'hating working out', however Victoria was desperate to tone and strengthen her stomach and pelvic floor. Hence she enrolled in private Pilates classes and began attending these three times a week at a gym, an exercise routine she still maintains four years later. 

Victoria is often spotted at her Pilates classes with David whenever he is in town. The soccer star initially teased his glamourous wife about attending Pilates classes, however once he saw her results from this form of exercise he decided to tag along. A source reveals that the toned couple were in a fit of giggles over how to tighten their pelvic floor muscles in one class! The successful fashion designer informed her husband that she was going to be firm in places she didn't even know she had muscles. We must say that Victoria looks very fit for her 39 years and for having four kids! 

The Pilates Cadillac Trapeze is a very interesting and dynamic piece of equipment as it uses leg and arm springs as well as loops to hang from and a bar for stretching (see photo above). 

Interested in building up your core muscle and pelvic floor strength? Curious to try a workout on a crazy piece of equipment? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at  

x Emily 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


With this unseasonably warm August Brisbane is currently having I find myself craving salads again! The only issue with this is that I end up making two dinners every day as my fiancĂ©e Chris thinks that salads are ‘not a real meal’. I totally disagree with him in regards to this, as the salads I try to construct always fill me up. This Pumpkin & Beetroot salad has sat in my fridge for the past few days due to how filling it is! Whilst some people may bypass this recipe due to the time required to roast the vegetables, I strongly urge you not to. There’s nothing more flavoursome than eating freshly roasted root vegetables and all you are required to do is to put them in the oven and let the appliance do the work. I have cooked my beetroot the way that Stephanie Alexander swears by for many months (as you can read in step 1) and I would never roast them any other way. Maple syrup brings out the sweetness in the pumpkin and the tahini, garlic & lime dressing makes for a zingy taste. 


  • 3 small or 2 medium beetroot, washed & leaves removed 
  • 400g pumpkin, skin removed and chopped into 3cm pieces
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach, washed
  • 1 small handful of rocket, washed
  • 1/4 cup loosely packed coriander leaves, washed 
  • Optional- one avocado, roughly chopped 


  • 1 garlic clove, very finely chopped or crushed
  • 1 heaped teaspoon tahini 
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon water 
  • sea salt 


1. To cook the beetroot - Preheat a fan-forced oven to 180 degrees celsius. Cover each beetroot with foil. Place the beetroot into a relatively deep baking dish filled with around 1- 2 cm of water, then add a splash of olive oil to the dish. Bake the beetroot in the oven for 45 -50 minutes or until the beetroot is tender (you can check this by poking the foil with a fork- if the fork slides easily into the beetroot without too much force, your beetroot is cooked). When the beetroot is cooked, carefully remove the foil in the sink (as beetroot loves to stain everything it touches) and peel the skin off each beetroot. Transfer the beetroot to a big chopping board and chop into 3cm pieces. 

2. Meanwhile, cook the pumpkin. Combine the pumpkin pieces and maple syrup in a large bowl and toss well to combine. Prepare a large baking tray with baking paper and evenly spread out the pumpkin on the tray. Roast in the same oven as the beetroot is cooking in for around 15 minutes or until pumpkin is tender. Remove from the oven. 

3. While the vegetables are roasting, you can make the dressing by combining all the ingredients in a screw-top jar and shaking well to combine. 

4. Combine the beetroot and pumpkin pieces into a large serving bowl, then add the baby spinach, rocket, coriander leaves and avocado (optional). Pour the dressing on top and toss well. Serve warm. 

Serves / 4 as a main 
Total Preparation time / 15 minutes maximum
Total Cooking time / 60 - 65 minutes (includes roasting the pumpkin & beetroot)

x Emily 


One of the world's favourite good vampires, actress Ashley Greene, was a vision in white at the premiere of her latest movie 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones', in Hollywood on Monday (see photo above). Greene's super-toned thighs stole the show as they peeked out of a beautiful mini-dress. How does she get these amazing legs, you may be wondering? Lots of exercise! 

Ashley works out 5-6 times a week, every week. She practises Pilates, yoga, martial arts, strength-training and cardio exercise. The actress's very athletic body (as can be seen in the Women's Health photo above) is also due to eating well, however she reveals that she refuses to starve herself or put her body through severe fad diets. 

"I don't do the diet thing anymore," Greene told Women's Health. "I'm a big believer in feeding your body what it needs. Deny yourself something, and you're going to end up shoving your face full of it."

Greene has received some slack over the past three years, as she has slimmed down quite considerably. However Ashley informs that she does not want to be a size 0 (Australian size 6). "A lot of people like to be super-tiny, but I don't want a child's body," she said. "I want a woman's body that is extremely fit. It's so much sexier."

Another way Ashley maintains her trim physique is that she does not drink often, for a few reasons. "I keep to the ground rules: I’m not going to get drunk at a bar," she said. "There are younger girls who look up to me, so I do my best not to stray too far. I definitely try to be a positive role model."

The stunning actress has no idea what is in store for her in the future. Greene says that whilst the 'Twilight' movie series did provide her with very valuable exposure to Hollywood, she still has to fight to receive good movie roles. "It has always been hard, but it is now very competitive," she said. "It's hard to break out, and it is still hard for me. I am fighting for my next job. Nothing is set in stone".We wish you all the best Ashley! 

Want to tone your thighs and stomach like Ashley? Keen to add some resistance training into your life but not sure how to incorporate this? Come try Pilates reformer classes with Premium Pilates Studio today! Call 0402 680 724 or visit us at for more information. 

x Emily 

Monday, August 12, 2013


My beautiful friend surprised me with a fruit & vegetable twister-processing device a few weeks back, after we had attended a raw cooking class and saw one of these babies in action. You can make anything into spaghetti with these nifty circular devices. The best news is that whilst they may cost up to $80 to buy in a store, they are only around $8 on ebay or on selective websites. I used mine just this morning to create extremely healthy raw zucchini pasta (however the chicken ruined that ‘raw’ title for this dish). These twisting devices are quite simple to use, however if I give you one tip it is to be patient when starting out for the first time. Make sure you cut the vegetable in half or even into thirds so that you can fit the zucchini/carrot/whatever into the device comfortably. Do not try to jam the vegetable up in the cylinder or the twisting just will not happen (guilty). I’m hoping that this zucchini pasta will trick my mind into thinking I am eating actual gluten-free pasta and will cure me of my dangerous portion control issues when eating the real deal...


  • 4 small to medium zucchini, ends removed and cut into half
  • sea salt
  • 250-300g chicken, cut into small pieces
  • 1 heaped teaspoon miso paste
  • sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon white & 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds
  • 1 tomato, sliced into thin wedges
  • Equipment- a twister fruit & vegetable processing device (I used the device above) or a vegetable spiraliser or two-bladed Julianne peeler. 


1. Combine the chicken pieces, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 1 teaspoon water and miso paste in a medium bowl. Stir well to combine, adding more water if the paste does not mix in well with the chicken. Place in the refrigerator to marinade. 

2. Twist the zucchini through the twister device, one half at a time and let the noodles fall into a large bowl. When all the zucchini has been made into noodles, sprinkle with a generous pinch of sea salt & toss well. Leave the salt to absorb some of the water. 

3. Remove the chicken from the fridge. Heat a medium frying pan over medium heat and add the chicken. Cook, stirring frequently, for 4-5 minutes or until all the chicken is cooked and browning slightly. Remove from heat and add to the pasta. 

4. Combine the lime juice, vinegar, fish sauce and 1 teaspoon sesame oil in a small jug or bowl. Whisk to combine and then pour onto the noodles and chicken. Add the sesame seeds and toss well to mix all the ingredients together. Add sliced tomato as a garnish. 

Serves / 2
Total Preparation time (including making the noodles) / 15- 20 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 10 minutes 

x Emily 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


My first raw dessert / cake ended up tasting somewhat akin to a pina colada, which I did not plan at all. I’ve always been a little apprehensive of making a raw dessert, however I now look back and laugh at my fear as it is almost impossible to screw up. Whatever mix of nuts and natural sugars that you place in the food processor or blender (if you have a very powerful one) will taste delicious. The best part is that you feel quite innovative and imaginative when you are making a raw dessert. All the ingredients in this cake were in my pantry on a Sunday afternoon. Just remember that a raw dessert is often a fair bit richer than other desserts so cut yourself very small pieces or get ready for a stomachache!


  • 200g pitted dried dates 
  • 100g almonds 
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 400ml light coconut cream 
  • 1/2 the juice of a small lime
  • the flesh of 3 small, ripe kiwifruits 
  • shredded coconut 
  • Equipment needed- food processor, freezer


1. Place the dates, almonds and honey into a food processor and process until the mixture sticks together when you pinch a small handful of it. Remove from the processor and spread into a medium square baking tin. Spread evenly as this will be your cake base. 

2. Place the coconut cream, lime juice and kiwifruits into the food processor and process for 20-30 seconds or until combined. Remove from the processor and pour over the date & almond base to create the top of the cake. Sprinkle with shredded coconut and freeze, covered, for 2 hours or until solid. Remove from the freezer 10 plus minutes before consuming to soften slightly. 

Total Preparation time / 10 -12 minutes 
Total Freezing time / 2 + hours 

x Emily