Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Victoria & David Beckham are one interesting couple. Famous for their quirky antics (among their sporting & fashion talents) they now have another eccentricity to add to the list; working out on a 'torture' Pilates machine! 

The famously fit pair were spotted working out on a Cadillac Trapeze (known to some as a 'medieval torture device') during their holiday in LA just last week. Posh & Becks booked a private Pilates class for just the two of them in a little gym called The Humble Abode. Photographers who snapped the celebrities called the equipment 'intimidating', however it is anything but. The Beckhams' have used the Pilates trapeze for several years and are hooked on this piece of equipment, as it tones virtually every muscle group in the body and boosts their Pilates workouts. 

Victoria Beckham first discovered Pilates in April 2009, after giving birth to three boys. Four years ago the busy mother spoke out about 'hating working out', however Victoria was desperate to tone and strengthen her stomach and pelvic floor. Hence she enrolled in private Pilates classes and began attending these three times a week at a gym, an exercise routine she still maintains four years later. 

Victoria is often spotted at her Pilates classes with David whenever he is in town. The soccer star initially teased his glamourous wife about attending Pilates classes, however once he saw her results from this form of exercise he decided to tag along. A source reveals that the toned couple were in a fit of giggles over how to tighten their pelvic floor muscles in one class! The successful fashion designer informed her husband that she was going to be firm in places she didn't even know she had muscles. We must say that Victoria looks very fit for her 39 years and for having four kids! 

The Pilates Cadillac Trapeze is a very interesting and dynamic piece of equipment as it uses leg and arm springs as well as loops to hang from and a bar for stretching (see photo above). 

Interested in building up your core muscle and pelvic floor strength? Curious to try a workout on a crazy piece of equipment? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at premiumpilatesstudio.com.  

x Emily 

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