Saturday, September 7, 2013


There has been so much talk about 'good' and 'bad' oils in cooking that it is easy to forget about the other type of oil - therapeutic or restorative oil. These oils or essential fatty acids have been found to improve brain and heart health as well as reduce the symptoms of arthritis, dry eye syndrome, eczema and pre-menstrual syndrome, to name a few. We have outlined some of these wonder oils and what they are all about below. 

Flaxseed oil
Assists with dry eyes, depression, hormone imbalances and gut problems. 

This oil contains alpha-linoleic acid, a plant-derived omega-3 fatty acid, which enhances the oily layer of the tear film in our eyes. Flaxseed oil also assists in keeping the liver functioning, as  flaxseed oil assists this organ in detoxing and removing bad oils from the body. A recent American study revealed that 70% of participants noticed a vast improvement to their dry eyes after taking flaxseed oil for three months.

Expiration date: This oil must be consumed orally within eight weeks of the open date. After this period flaxseed oil can be used as an accompaniment to a bath to moisturise skin or to reduce itchiness. Flaxseed oil can also be massaged into a dry flaky scalp for relief. 

How to incorporate into your life: flaxseed oil can be simply added to food instead of having to take it in tablet form. Naturopath Janella Purcell advises her clients to "aim for one to three tablespoons a day, in smoothies or yoghurt, or drizzle it on salads and vegetables". 

Try: Nature's Own Flaxseed Oil, Blackmores Flaxseed Oil.   

Fish oil
Great for pain relief

Fish oil is packed full of omega-3 fatty acids that are anti-inflammatories, therefore this oil is excellent for reducing pain associated with gastritis, arthritis, cystitis and bronchitis. Australian studies have shown that fish oil is extremely fast-acting for decreasing acute arthritic pain and naturopath Victoria O'Sullivan strongly recommends that anyone and everyone over 30 years of old should take a daily fish oil supplement. "If you are going to take one supplement, it should be fish oil because disease-causing inflammation starts to increase in the body at this time (from 30 years of age), particularly if you are not eating the right foods". 
How to pick the right supplement: Go for a distilled or pharmaceutical grade or brand, as "they are often more concentrated and have less impurities", says Victoria. 

Try: Ethical Nutrients Hi-Strength Liquid Fish Oil, Swiss Ultiboost Wild Fish Oil Concentrate. 

Krill oil
A natural remedy to reduce cholesterol 

This product is made from the oil from small crustaceans in the ocean (usually the Atlantic) and has similar omega-3 fatty acids as fish oil. What makes krill oil slightly more powerful than fish oil is that it contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which decreases cholesterol by prohibiting deterioration in the body. The participants in a Canadian study who took krill oil reduced their LDL or bad cholesterol by one third and almost doubled the HDL or good cholesterol in their body compared to other participants who were given a placebo. 

This antioxidant astaxanthin also improves eye health, boosts immune function and can possibly even make you look younger! O'Sullivan informs that this antioxidant can help fight the ageing process. 

Warning: if you are allergic to seafood, avoid this oil. 

Try: Bio-Orgaanics Super Krill Oil, Bioglan Red Krill Oil Double Strength

Evening Primrose oil
A flower to improve troubling skin

This oil is derived from the seeds of the evening primrose, a beautiful yellow wildflower, and is known for its many healing properties, such as a hormone helper and a soother for dry, itchy skin. Evening primrose oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids which work against inflammatory skin conditions including eczema, hormonal acne and psoriasis

Consult your health practitioner: as this oil is not suitable for people with seizure disorders and can react if taken with some medications. 

Try: Nature's Way Primrose Oil, Blooms Evening Primrose Oil. 

Chia Seed oil
High in calcium and assists in helping the body absorb calcium, hence it is excellent for bone health

Chia seed oil contains more omega-3 than any other plant oil out there and has anti-inflammtory properties. 
How to eat: drizzle on your salad or add a dash to smoothies. 

x Emily 

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