Friday, September 27, 2013


At the photo call for Sandra Bullock's new film Gravity eyes should have been on her and George Clooney's chemistry. However, all eyes and cameras were memorised by Bullock's enviable physique and super toned arms. 

The stunning actress wore a pink, green and orange colour-block dress to the photo call that made her body look much younger than that of a 49 year-old woman (pictured above). Sandra's youthful physique once again ruled the red carpet hours later at the actual premiere of the film, as she wore a fashionable red dress that showed off her trim arms and toned décolletage. 

Bullock looks to not have aged at all in the last twenty years, due to daily workouts and a healthy, active lifestyle. The five-foot-seven actress insists that keeping in shape is not difficult for her as it is a requirement of her job to be fit and look good. "People always ask me how do actresses do it [stay in shape]? And I say um, they pay us to do this in order to look good on film." Sandra's personal trainer  Simone De La Rue can vouch for all the hard work Bullock puts in to get her rock-hard physique. “Sandra puts in an hour a day, six times a week", De La Rue informs. "She is extremely motivated and driven.”

What does the beautiful actress do to stay looking so good?  "I do a lot of Pilates, kick-boxing and weight training in L.A., and when I'm in Austin [Texas], I run or ride a bike," she recently told Vogue magazine. 

To be more specific, Sandra has recently incorporated Plyometrics (exercises based around having muscles exert maximum force in as short a time as possible) into an hour long workout that combines Pilates and yoga with dance. Bullock does this workout six times a week and has clearly been getting results, if her toned torso and muscly arms are anything to go by. 

Whilst the majority of actresses over 40 seem to stop getting job offers, Bullock is more in demand than ever as she approaches the business end of her 40's. Sandra has had incredible success over the last few years, winning an Oscar for her 2010 drama 'The Blind Side' and grossing over $200 million for her latest comedy 'The Heat'. In fact, Sandra's movies have grossed almost $2 billion worldwide to date! 

As a mum to her little adopted boy Louis, Sandra knows where her priorities lie. Whilst she enjoys her movie star success, becoming a mother has had a profound impact on her life. "Everything becomes richer or more important or more frightening or more challenging [after you're a mum]," she told E! "You feel like you were dead compared to the way you were emotionally before."

Want to get toned arms like Sandra for summer? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at to get working on your summer body now! 

x Emily 

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