Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Gorgeous actress Kerry Washington is becoming a bit of a household name in Hollywood these days. When she's not working hard on the ABC show Scandal she is starring alongside mega famous actors in films like Django Unchained. She was also crowned number two on People's 100 Most Beautiful People list this year and beauty company Neutrogena has taken her on as their creative consultant. 
What does Kerry do during her precious down time, you may wonder? Lots and lots of Pilates!  

According to Women's Health Magazine Washington is a serious Pilates devotee and has been incorporating this exercise into her workout regime for the past six years. The 36-year-old actress does love the toning and weight loss aspect of this exercise, however she has also noticed more skin deep benefits."Pilates has allowed me to be focused on my appearance and my health in ways that are not abusive or critical," says Kerry. 

This Emmy nominee is known to be a very hard worker, as she often spends 16 plus hour days shooting. Washington credits her lean physique to having a very experienced Pilates instructor, Nonna Gleyzer, train her for the last six years. Gleyzer recently shared some insight into Kerry's Pilates workouts with Shape magazine. 

"...she (Kerry) is just so dedicated, devoted, hard working, and focused on her workouts. She does Pilates as much as she can, usually three to four times a week for 60 minutes per session. She initially wanted to try Pilates because this type of training doesn't put pressure on her joints, as she has pinched a nerve in her neck and shoulder area in the past while working with another trainer. My method is gentler on the body but also keeps it toned and strong." 

Kerry's Pilates instructor reveals that a typical Pilates session with the actress starts with lower body work, focusing on the quads, inner thighs, gluts (bottom) and calves. After that the lower abs are targeted intensely, which improves the stability of the sacrum, which in turn keeps the hips and pelvis in alignment, resulting in correct posture and a taller stance - very important for celebrities walking down the red carpet! Once the lower abs have been worked, Kerry's shoulders and triceps get a strong workout and the biceps are lightly engaged. Mid back muscles and oblique exercises complete Washington's tough one hour workout. 

Its not all Pilates that keeps this svelte actress in shape however. Kerry admits that she "lives quietly" and doesn't drink as she considers alcohol to be "empty calories". As Washington simply puts it:  "I watch what I eat. I train, I do Pilates." The beauty reveals that she drinks "maybe twice a year" when she's catching up with old friends. As Pilates instructors ourselves we have to admit that alcohol is one of the best ways to massively increase your calorie intake and looking at Kerry's body she seems to be doing alright without it. However for so many of us, alcohol is part of our social routine. Another way that Kerry stays trim is by eating healthily, which we can all try to do. Washington eats a lot of lean proteins, vegetables and loves coconut water. 

Want to be in the best shape of your life like Kerry Washington is? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at premiumpilatesstudio.com

x Emily 

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