Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Acai bowls are spreading in popularity all over Brisbane at the moment. It seems like everywhere I look I see an Instagram post on this berry or hear girls discussing where to buy the best acai bowl around. I decided to go out and try a few acai bowls from CocoBlissBulimba (all in the name of research) and then trotted to Wray Organic to buy some acai puree and Acai powder to see if the bowl tastes as good homemade….and it does! 
I did my research before falling feet first into the acai world a few months ago when my Pilates studio started to sell Bony Acai Sticks, a sachet of concentrated acai berry powder that you mix in with 500-600ml of water for an energy boost. I was sceptical at first, but after consuming a few bottles of this berry post workouts I was hooked. My blood pressure and blood sugar stabilised and I had so much energy after punishing my body with a 1 hour Pilates reformer workout. (And if you are laughing in your head thinking that Pilates is just stretching, think again!). Here's what I have learnt about the Amazonian wonder berry and why I chose to incorporate it into my diet. 

What's the deal: The acai berry is one of the healthiest berries you can eat. It is indigenous to the rain forests of the Amazon, is a distant relative of the blueberry & cranberry and is extremely rich in antioxidants, among other things. 

1. Healthy Heart
The Acai berry is packed with anthocyanins, a plant antioxidant that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood stream (similar to red wine, but healthier) . Acai also contains plant sterols, which protect our cells by prohibiting blood clots, relaxing the blood vessels in the body and advancing blood circulation. 

2. Weight Loss
Acai can help you lose weight as well as maintain a health weight for you. A recent study revealed that the pulp from the berry has the ability to lessen the negative effects of a diet high in bad fats. 

3. Gut Problems be Gone

A regular dose of acai can assist in keeping our digestive system functioning at a high level. This superfood contains a substantial amount of fibre and has very impressive detoxication abilities in the body. 

4. Improved Skin 

Acai oil is a wonderful natural alternative to use on your skin in the place of chemical filled skin and body products. Acai oil can be found in many modern and organic beauty products nowadays. Consuming acai berries and other berries orally can result in a healthy skin glow, as the Brazilians discovered centuries ago. 

5. Tackle the Growth of Cancer 

Acai is packed with vitamin C and ellagic acid, a natural phenol antioxidant found in numerous fruits and vegetables.  Combined these two work together to boost the immune system and repress the growth of cancer cells. A study found in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry discovered that polyphenolic compounds taken from the acai berry decreased cancer cell growth by a massive 56-86%. We want to stress that these little berries are not a cure for cancer, however by conducting increased research on this superfood more benefits may be discovered that can assist with reducing the severe effects of cancer. 

6. Anti-Aging Assistance

Here's an interesting one! Due to the extremely high amount of antioxidants (or plant phytochemicals) contained in acai, these berries can potentially assist in slowing down or reversing the ageing process. And here's a fact that blows my mind; acai berries are one of the world's best sources of antioxidants, containing 10 times the amount of antioxidants as that of grapes and 2 times the amount of blueberries.

7. Boost your Energy Levels

Taking acai extract or eating the actual berries can result in a boost in energy and stamina due to the several health benefits that these berries provide. I myself put acai concentrate into 600ml of water after an intense workout and feel so much more energised than when I started the workout! 

8. Increased Function in the Bedroom

Men, listen up. The acai berry has been proven to increase blood circulation in the body, which remarkably can result in an increased sex drive, especially for males. 

9. Better Mental Function

Studies, albeit in the preliminary stages, have revealed that this red berry can potentially impede mental imbalance in menopausal women.
10. Enhanced Cellular Health 
Anthocyanins (water-soluble vacuolar pigments) found in acai work to protect certain cells of the body by warding off the invasion of free radicals. 

  • 1 x 100g pack of frozen Acai Puree or 1 tablespoon unsweetened Acai powder 
  • 1 frozen banana 
  • a handful of frozen blueberries 
  • 1/2-1 cup no added sugar coconut water (Green Tea Hawaii makes a no sugar one!) or unsweetened almond milk (use as much liquid as you like; some people prefer a thicker consistency, some people prefer a runnier acai bowl). 
  • 1/2 cup low-sugar muesli / granola / oats
  •  toppings to mix in with your muesli or to sprinkle on top:
    • chia seeds 
    • goji berries
    • LSA
    • golden flaxmeal
    • maca powder
    • cacao powder
    • pea protein powder


1. Place the puree, banana, blueberries and coconut water or almond milk in a high speed blender and blend until all combined. 

2. Pour the blended acai into a medium bowl, then top with the muesli /granola and other toppings, if using. 

Serves /
Total Preparation time / 10 minutes maximum 

x Emily 

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