Friday, November 22, 2013


As November quickens its pace and December gets ready to welcome us with open arms, Christmas cheer spreads across Southeast QLD (and indeed most of the world). I was flipping through a local newspaper a few days ago when an article caught my eye; ‘Help to spread the word: Food Charity reveals its most wanted list in the lead up to Christmas’. I have been so grossly consumed with my business, the renovations on my new house, how bad it is that I don’t have all my kitchen equipment at my fingers at my temporary house that I haven’t stopped to think about people less fortunate than myself in months. I take for granted that I can purchase whatever food I want every day and occasionally find myself complaining about all the stores I have to frequent to find the best price on chia seeds or the oat milk brand that I prefer. What about all the people in Australia (and the world) who don’t know where their next meal is coming from? Now there’s something to complain and worry about.

So in the lead up to Christmas I am going to spend more time thinking about how truly lucky I am to be able to afford food and consider it a blessing that I have a kitchen to cook in and two fully functional hands to assist me. Why don’t you all join me? Let’s all donate one, two or all 12 of the Most Wanted Foods by Foodbank to a donation point nearby. The City South News has joined Retail First and All-Purpose Transport in the hope of raising 30 TONNES of donated food over the coming Christmas and New Year period. Looking at this list drove me to do a quick scan of my cupboard that revealed 10 of the 12 most wanted items on the list, eight of which had accumulated a thick layer of dust. I’m certain many of you would open your pantry and see a similar scenario. I have listed the 12 Most Wanted Foods and all the Southeast Donation points below - if you live on the other side of Brisbane I am sure you won’t have to look far to find collection bins; outside Woolworths or Coles or asking Information in a shopping centre is a safe bet!

Most Wanted Foods by Foodbank in 2013

1.      Vegemite
2.     Weet-Bix/breakfast cereal
3.     Tea bags
4.     Long-life milk
5.     Tinned tuna
6.     Pasta
7.     Tinned fruit
8.     Tinned vegetables
9.     Rice
10.   Baked beans
11.   Pasta sauce
12.  Two-minute noodles

Donation Points

·      Fairfield Gardens
·      Mt Gravatt Plaza
·      Sunnybank Plaza
·      Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtwon
·      Sunny Park- Sunnybank
·      Capalaba Park
·      CannonHill Kmart Plaza

Merry Christmas!!! 

x Emily 

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