Thursday, September 8, 2011


Most of us are quite lazy these days when we’re invited to barbecues or parties. We tend to pick up some dip and crackers or a bag of chips and we’re done. This bruschetta recipe is easy as and only takes about 15 minutes to make and will have everyone begging for more!
(last time I brought it to a party I went to bring some more out and everyone was in the kitchen helping themselves!)
Makes enough for 2-3 big platters
Requires a food processor

 200gr jar of pitted black olives
200gr jar of semi-dried tomatos
200gr feta (whatever your favourite brand is)
Bottle of balsamic vinegar
1 Capsicum (optional)
One loaf of white bread

1.       Preheat oven to 180 degress
2.       Cut the crusts off the white bread and put them in a bowl
3.       Cut each slice of bread into 4 smaller squares
4.       Put the squares on cooking trays (should fill about 2 large trays)
5.       Cook for 10 minutes or until golden brown

1.       Drain the olives and cut into halves
2.       Drain the semi-dried tomatos and dab with absorbent paper to take the excess oil off
3.       Chop the semi dried tomatos up roughly
4.       (capsicum is optional) dice the capsicum up
5.       Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until the pieces are still chunky but mixed
(you don’t want it to be a paste, you still want to be able to see everything)
6.       Add in 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, I sometimes add more in as I like a strong balsamic flavour. Give the mixture a taste as you go and decide how much you’d like to add. It should be enough to give it a sticky consistency so it's not dry and falling apart.
7.       The amount of feta you use is also optional. I generally buy a 200gr and will use one third of it. Cut it up roughly and then crumble it with your hands over the mixture.
8.       Use a spoon to combine all ingredients and make sure the feta is evenly mixed through
9.       Spoon a small amount onto each bread square and you’re done!
But what about the crusts you ask?
I don’t like to waste food so once the bread squares are cooked, put the crusts onto the trays and cook them for 10 minutes. They make great crispy bits to use with dip or just to snack on!

(I usually like the bread a bit more golden brown! didn't leave this batch in the oven long enough!)

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