Friday, September 9, 2011


Ask any of my gorgeous friends; I have a sick obsession with collecting cookbooks. Its gotten to the point that I cannot enter a bookshop without buying a cookbook unless I am physically man-handled out of the shop. My most recent purchases have included HEALTHY, LOW FAT and VEGETARIAN cookbooks as I find myself entering a stage in my life where I am beginning to understand that what I eat affects my mood, well being and over all health. 

This rainy afternoon I stumbled across a Women's Weekly cookbook titled 'Healthy Eating- Foods that Fight Back'. I decided to read the introductory 20 or so pages, which I had skipped 5 months ago when I bought the book, and was intrigued by what I read. Here is a condensed version:

HERO foods are basically foods that fight for your life, for your ability to live longer. The following list discusses several of these foods...and surprise surprise, Chocolate sneaks into the list as well as other yummy snacks. 

1. BLUEBERRIES - this colourful fruit is jam packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have been proven to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots and decrease the effects of brain ageing. I find that when I crave a sweet treat after dinner mixing frozen blueberries and low fat vanilla yogurt curbs this craving! 

2. TOMATO - these summer babies are packed with the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes, watermelon, and pink grapefruit their red colour. The benefits of lycopene include a healthy heart and protection against prostate cancer. As an added bonus the absorption of lycopene is increased in tomatoes by cooking them in olive oil, which is wonderful news for all the pizza and pasta lovers out there! 

3. CITRUS FRUITS - CSIRO researchers have discovered a trend of protection against several types of cancers by eating citrus fruits including lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruit. The greatest protection is for cancers of the mouth and stomach, as eating 1-2 servings of citrus fruit a day can reduce the risk of these cancers by 40-50%. My family swears by lemons. If anyone is sick, a generous squeeze of lemon juice into warm water seems to be an instant cure!

4. CHILLI- Listen up lovely ladies- A secret way of boosting your metabolism is by eating food with chilli in it! Chilli contains a component called capsacin, which is responsible for its hot favour, which has been proven to temporarily boost metabolism. I dont know about you but I feel like all my sinuses are extremely clear after eating a spicy meal. 

5. GARLIC- Love the taste of this food, hate the pungent breath that often accompanies a meal of it! Here is another reason to eat garlic; the substance Aliicin (which gives garlic its smell) prevents the growth of harmful bacteria as well as improving immune function and lowering cholesterol levels. I seem to TRIPLE the amount of garlic that I find in every recipe and it has never seemed like too much!

6. ROSEMARY- My favourite herb. For some reason the smell of rosemary reminds me of Christmas time. I have been known to buy fresh rosemary and leave it in the kitchen for 3 weeks just to have that amazing smell in my house. Research has revealed that when meat is rubbed with an antioxidant such as rosemary, the levels of harmful potentially cancer-causing compounds formed when meat is grilled at high temperatures were reduced. So think about brushing on a marinade of rosemary, garlic, olive oil and a dash of lemon on your meat at your next BBQ! 

7. PROBIOTIC YOGURT- Probiotics, or 'aBc' bacteria, are live cultures found in certain yogurt, which offer many benefits such as immune protection, reduced risk of some cancers, promotion of gut health and cholesterol lowering. In addition, (as mentioned above), yogurt is a healthy and yummy snack when your body is craving something sweet. 

8. KIWIFRUIT- kiwifruit is an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamins E & C and is one of the most nutrient filled fruits with low kilojoules. In addition kiwifruit contain zinc, folate, magnesium and dietary fibre. This fruit is thought to increase protection against cancer as well as enhancing the body's immunity and protection against a form of blindness (macular degeneration). 
NB- A recent US study revealed that kiwifruit contains more vitamins and minerals than 27 of the most commonly eaten fruits. And as a plus- this fruit is actually affordable in Australia!

9. BROCCOLI & BROCCOLINI- these vegetables are packed with nutrients such as vitamins A & C, riboflavin, folate, calcium and iron. They also contain indoles, which are thought to block the oestrogen receptors in breast cancer cells. I have been dying to try a simple broccoli and almond recipe- reading this this afternoon has given me the push I need to get off my ass and attempt it!

and I have saved the best for last- 

Researchers have confirmed the antioxidant activity in dark chocolate. Dark chocolate, even at low concentrations, inhibits and protects the body from damage by free radicals. Scientists in the US have recently discovered that a hot drink of cocoa has nearly TWICE the antioxidants of red wine and up to THREE times those found in green tea. So next time you find yourself in the confectionary isle at the supermarket, think of it as your 'doctor's orders' to grab a small block of dark chocolate! We recommend Lindt blueberry and dark chocolate & Lindt chilli and dark chocolate- you won't be disappointed!

xx E

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