Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Last Saturday afternoon took a windy turn and became rather chilly (as chilly as Brisbane can be on a spring afternoon). I seem to crave soup as soon as the temperature gets under 15 degrees Celsius. Saying that, I usually despise cooking soup as it can be rather fiddly (the majority of soup recipes I have come across you have to use a food processor and by 6 or 7pm I do not have the energy). 

I had bought a second hand cookbook at the West end Farmers Markets several months for a few dollars which I browsed through, looking for something to satisfy my craving. As I flipped the pages I can across a recipe for Curried Chicken and Zucchini Soup. Intrigued, I read on. 



  • 1 tablespoon low-fat spread
    • Use whatever in is your fridge- I use low fat meadow lea margarine. 
  • 1 medium brown onion (approx. 150g), chopped finely
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed 
    • Again my tip- crushed garlic from a jar. use about 1/2 teaspoon. 
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/2 cup (100g) doongara rice 
  • 340g chicken breast fillets, sliced thinly 
  • 2 cups (500ml) water 
  • 1 litre (4 cups) chicken stock
  • 4 medium zucchini, grated coarsely. 

1. Melt spread in large saucepan. Add onion and garlic, stirring until onion softens. Add curry powder and cook, stirring, until mixture is fragrant. 

2. Add rice and chicken. Cook, stirring for 2 minutes. Add the water and stock; bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Add zucchini and cook, stirring for about 5 minutes or until the chicken is cooked though. 

What I LOVE about this recipe is how easy it is, as well as being a rather unique kind of soup. Also, did I mention it was low fat? 

Serves 4

Per serving: 6.7g fat / 1098kJ (262 calories)/ 2.1 saturated fat / 2.7g fibre / 25.7g carbohydrate. 

Recipe from The Australian Women's Weekly Low-Fat Food for Life Cookbook. 

xx E

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