Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I love nothing more than a fridge filled with fresh herbs. As I have been extremely lazy and have not started my own herb garden as of yet (a new years resolution for 2012 mind you) I buy herbs far too frequently. More often than not, I will only use a little of the herbs and the rest will become too soggy to salvage. This week however I am dedicated to using all of my herbs up! I have basil, I have parsley, I have chives and I have coriander and I am determined to use them all. Hence came the inspiration for these herb patties. If you are not a fan of chilli, decrease the amount to ½ or ¼ a teaspoon.


  • 500g lean minced beef
  • 1 teaspoon dried chilli flakes
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce 
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons tamari oyster sauce (GF)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh basil, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons fresh coriander, finely chopped
  • 1/2 a small red capsicum, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil 
  • To serve- 1 teaspoon sesame seeds & tamari soy sauce 


1. Combine beef, chilli, fish sauce, oyster sauce, capsicum and herbs in a large bowl. Using your hands, shape even patties (around 3-4 tablespoons of mixture) into patties. This should make around 9-10 patties. Place on a large plate, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 15 minutes. 

2. When 15 minutes is up, heat a large frying pan over medium heat and add oil, swirling to coat the pan. Place patties in pan and cook for 3 minutes on each side. Check if the patties are cooked by cutting a patty in half and seeing if any red flesh remains; if it does, continue cooking. When patties are cooked place on a few sheets of paper towel to remove excess oil. 

3. Serve warm with tamari soy sauce & sesame seeds, if you desire. 

Serves / 3-4 
Total Preparation time / 30 minutes (including 15 minutes to chill)
Total Cooking time / under 10 minutes 

x E

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