Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Potato salad always makes me think of picnics, which makes me think of summer, which makes me think of parks, which makes me think of free-spirited children running without a care in the world. I made potato salad today as I was feeling a little nostalgic for Brisbane summer, as the weekend was cold (for our city), rainy and dreary. This salad is adapted from Australian Women’s Weekly cookbook ‘Japanese’ cuisine, however I think the use of mayonnaise is a little too Western for authentic Asian cooking (as is fried chicken sushi!). We Westerners can really bastardise other cultures cuisines, can’t we? Saying that, this fresh herb salad really does taste delectable! 


  • 700g pink potatoes, peeled and cut into small even chunks
  • 80g gluten-free ham (such as Milano), cut into thin strips
  • 1/2 a continental cucumber, chopped into small pieces 
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh chives 
  • 1/3 cup 97% fat-free mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 
  • 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
  • sea salt & pepper
  • 2 tablespoon sesame seeds


1. Bring a medium saucepan of water to the boil. Add chunks of potatoes and cook in boiling water for around 12 minutes or until the potato is tender (that is, a fork can be easily stuck through a piece of potato). When cooked, drain in cold water twice, draining well. 

2. Meanwhile, make the mayonnaise dressing by combining the mayonnaise, parsley, chives, sesame seeds, salt & pepper and vinegar in a small bowl and stirring to combine. 

3. Place cooked potato in a large serving bowl, along with ham and cucumber. Add dressing to the potato and toss well to combine. Stand for at least 15 minutes before serving. Serve cold. 

Perfect for a picnic! 

Serves / 4 as a salad or side
Total Preparation time / 15 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 15 minutes 

x E 

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